Short Hair, Don’t Care – Miley’s Big Chop

Posted on the 13 August 2012 by Candornews @CandorNews

Even though this may be news that no one cares about, it’s best to get it out of the way now before entertainment shows create segments about it and make montages dedicated to “Miley’s ‘Dos – Then to Now”. Don’t laugh, you know it’ll happen.

Hollywood is obsessed with looks, and so are we. We crave to emulate the outfits and hairstyles of all of our faves. So when singer/actress Miley Cyrus took to her Twitter to announce that she was cutting off her hair, fans waited with bated breath to see her new ‘do.

And that’s when hell broke loose.

[Image from Miley Cyrus's Twitter]

Cyrus, 19, posted pictures of her new haircut – a short platinum blonde crop with an undercut – earlier tonight, and was met immediately with negative commentary about it. Some people joked that her new hair is reminiscent of Harry Potter villain Draco Malfoy, and some made comparisons to Niall Horan of One Direction and Ellen Degeneres. Some were quick to say that her drastic cut is just a cry for attention with a dismissive “she’s just bein’ Miley”, or cracked jokes about her sexuality.

Miley responded to complaints with a cheerful tweet, saying:

if you don’t have something nice to say don’t say anything at all. my hair is attached to my head no one else’s and it’s going bye bye (x)

In the end, her big chop ended up being for charity purposes, but I have to ask: why does it matter what her reasoning was? It’s just hair. Hair is just a thing that covers a person’s head. Why does a person’s haircut cause such outrage?

Personally, I love her new haircut; It made me miss my own pixie cut and has me considering getting an undercut. She looks beautiful, and she seems really happy about it. After all, that’s all that matters.

Why do you think people make a fuss over celebrities cutting their hair? What do you think about Miley’s hair?