Shopify Vs Memberpress: Full Comparison Guide on E-commerce Plugin

Posted on the 03 August 2023 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

Introduction – Shopify vs Memberpress

In this comparison, we delve into the core strengths and offerings of both Shopify and MemberPress. We dissect their features, suitability for different business models, and the nuances that developers and entrepreneurs consider when making their choices. By exploring these platforms in-depth, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of which aligns with your goals and aspirations, empowering you to make an informed decision that harmonizes with your unique vision in the digital realm.


Shopify is an e-commerce platform that provides businesses and individuals with the tools to create and manage their own online stores. It offers a wide range of features, including customizable website templates, a secure shopping cart system, payment processing, inventory management, and marketing tools. Shopify enables users to sell products and services online, whether physical goods or digital products, making it a popular choice for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to establish an online presence and manage their e-commerce operations.


MemberPress is a WordPress plugin designed for creating and managing membership websites. It allows website owners to restrict access to certain content, sell digital products, and offer subscription-based services to their users. With MemberPress, you can set up different membership levels, control content visibility, manage subscriptions, and handle payments, all within the WordPress environment. It’s a popular choice for individuals, businesses, and organizations looking to monetize their content and create exclusive online communities.

Comparison of Shopify vs Memberpress

Here’s a detailed comparison of Shopify and MemberPress across various aspects:

1. Primary Purpose:

  • Shopify: Primarily an e-commerce platform for setting up online stores to sell products or services.
  • MemberPress: A WordPress plugin focused on creating and managing membership-based websites.

2. E-commerce vs Membership:

  • Shopify: Ideal for selling physical products, digital products, and services with a focus on e-commerce functionality.
  • MemberPress: Geared towards creating membership-based sites where users pay for access to exclusive content, courses, and other digital products.

3. Platform Integration:

  • Shopify: A standalone platform that doesn’t require integration with other content management systems.
  • MemberPress: Specifically designed as a plugin for WordPress websites, meaning you need a WordPress site to use it.

4. Website Customization:

  • Shopify: Offers a wide range of customizable themes and templates for creating unique online stores.
  • MemberPress: Relies on the WordPress theme you choose, giving you design flexibility within the constraints of your WordPress theme.

5. E-commerce Features:

  • Shopify: Comprehensive e-commerce features including product management, inventory tracking, payment gateways, shipping options, and more.
  • MemberPress: Focused on membership management, content restriction, subscription handling, and payment processing.

6. Content Management:

  • Shopify: Supports basic content management, but its primary strength is in managing products and transactions.
  • MemberPress: Integrates with WordPress’s robust content management system, allowing you to create various types of content alongside membership content.

7. Payment Processing:

  • Shopify: Offers a wide range of integrated payment gateways for processing transactions.
  • MemberPress: Supports various payment gateways as well, but its payment options are more geared towards subscription and membership models.

8. Membership Management:

  • Shopify: Offers limited membership capabilities through third-party apps, but it’s not its core strength.
  • MemberPress: Specifically designed for membership management, allowing you to create different membership levels, control access to content, and handle subscription billing.

9. Ease of Use:

  • Shopify: Known for its user-friendly interface and ease of setting up an online store.
  • MemberPress: Generally user-friendly for WordPress users, but might require more technical knowledge compared to Shopify.

10. Cost:

  • Shopify: Offers various pricing tiers with monthly subscription fees. Additional costs may include transaction fees and app expenses.
  • MemberPress: Requires purchasing the plugin with a one-time fee or subscription, with potential additional costs for payment gateways and other integrations.

Also Reads: How To Choose Perfect Shopify Theme for Your Store

Pricing Plans: Shopify vs Memberpress

We can provide you with a general idea of the pricing for Shopify and MemberPress. We recommend checking the official websites for the most up-to-date information.

Shopify Pricing:

Shopify offers different pricing plans to accommodate various business sizes and needs. Here are the main plans:

  1. Basic Shopify: Starts around $29 per month. Includes essential features for starting a new online store.
  2. Shopify: Starts around $79 per month. Adds more advanced reporting and features compared to Basic Shopify.
  3. Advanced Shopify: Starts around $299 per month. Offers advanced reporting, more staff accounts, and lower transaction fees.
  4. Shopify Plus: Enterprise-level solution with custom pricing. Offers advanced features for high-volume businesses.

MemberPress Pricing:

MemberPress typically offers multiple pricing tiers based on the features and support you need:

  1. Basic Plan: Starting around $149 per year. Includes basic features for setting up a membership site.
  2. Plus Plan: Starting around $249 per year. Adds more advanced features and integrations.
  3. Pro Plan: Starting around $349 per year. Offers all the features of Plus with additional advanced features and priority support.

Developer’s choice in Shopify and Memberpress

Both Shopify and MemberPress have their own appeal to developers, depending on the type of project and expertise. Here’s a breakdown of the developer’s choice for each platform:

Developer’s Choice in Shopify:

1. Flexibility and Customization: Shopify’s Liquid templating language allows developers to create highly customized online stores. They can build unique themes, modify code, and implement custom functionalities to meet specific client needs.

2. App Ecosystem: Shopify has a vast marketplace of apps and integrations that developers can leverage to add specialized features and functionality to stores without building everything from scratch.

3. APIs and Development Tools: Shopify provides a well-documented API that allows developers to integrate external systems, automate processes, and create custom applications.

4. Performance and Security: Shopify takes care of hosting, security updates, and scalability, relieving developers of certain infrastructure concerns.

Developer’s Choice in MemberPress:

1. WordPress Familiarity: Developers who are already skilled in WordPress development will find MemberPress to be a natural extension of their expertise, making it easier to create membership-based sites.

2. Customization within WordPress: MemberPress fits well within the WordPress ecosystem, enabling developers to tap into a wide range of plugins, themes, and development practices to create unique membership experiences.

3. Membership Functionality: For projects focused on membership sites, MemberPress provides specialized tools to manage subscriptions, content access, drip content, and more.

4. Code Control: Developers can work directly with PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript within the WordPress environment to create custom features and designs.

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Ultimately, the developer’s choice between Shopify and MemberPress depends on the specific project requirements:

  • Choose Shopify if: You’re building an e-commerce store with a strong focus on selling physical or digital products, and you want a platform that’s optimized for online transactions and provides a wide range of out-of-the-box features.
  • Choose MemberPress if: You’re working on a WordPress site and your project revolves around membership-based content, online courses, subscription services, or gated content, and you want to leverage the familiarity of the WordPress ecosystem.

Conclusion – Shopify vs Memberpress

In conclusion, both Shopify and MemberPress serve distinct purposes and cater to different types of online businesses:

  • Shopify is an e-commerce platform that excels at providing a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to sell physical and digital products online. It offers a user-friendly interface, a wide array of templates, and an extensive app ecosystem to enhance and customize your online store. It’s a great choice if your primary focus is on creating a robust e-commerce presence.
  • MemberPress is a WordPress plugin designed specifically for creating and managing membership-based websites. It’s perfect for businesses or individuals aiming to offer exclusive content, subscription services, and gated access to specific parts of their websites. If you’re already comfortable with WordPress and want to create a community or offer specialized content to your audience, MemberPress can be a powerful tool.

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