Shop Online : Looking Good Feeling Fab : The Bandhani Collection

By Lookingoodfeelingfab @lookingoodfeel
Online Shopping Anyone??
Yes, now you can shop here online is so much fun, and I have been wanting to extend that experience on the blog too..
For the last few months I have literally spent every waking minute fantasizing about this collection..
I absolutely love Indian crafts and fabrics, I believe there is so much colour, richness, art and tradition en-grained in them. Which is why the bright and beautiful bandhani was my first choice..the fabrics are traditional Indian while the designs are contemporary.  You will find bandhani jackets, bandhani shirts and bandhani stoles all in lovely bright hues  embellished with hardware, chains, mirrors and other shiny little things.
So are you all set to shop the bandhani collection?
Here you go....hope you enjoy..keeping my fingers crossed :)

If you like what you see...hop on over to the SHOP to see the full collection..
Here is how you can buy, write to me telling me what you would like to buy..
Email : Payment Mode : Credit card/ Debit Card via paypal                          Bank Transfer to Citibank. Shipping : Worldwide Shipping                Free Shipping Within India Delivery Period : 5-7 Days within India Do tell me what you think...ull make my day :) want to look good and feel fab always?? Join us