Shop My Closet!

By Kristina Suko @eccentricowl

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What do all of these outfits have in common? Well, as you probably guessed by the title of this post, you can now purchase these items of clothing! I’m making good on one of my goals this month – to list everything I’ve pulled from my closet that I no longer wear, that I’ve never worn, that I can’t wear any more – and I’ve updated my Storenvy Store with all the clothes that I’ve taken pictures of for my blog.

A lot of these items are things that I had before I had kids, and now they either don’t fit my waist, don’t fit my boobs, don’t fit my hips, or… most likely… all three. Most of it, I’ve only worn a handful of times as I have realized they don’t fit me right, or they don’t fit my style any more. There are some new things, some vintage things, and the best part for you is that it’s all $20 or less. I am a thrifty girl, and I know a lot of you are, too, and you know what? I just feel weird selling off my closet for more than what I’d pay for an item myself, ya know?

So, go forth and browse! Feel free to email me if you see something and have questions about it. I will ship internationally, and am always willing to provide more pictures, measurements, whatever you need. Also, stay tuned because I have another pile that I haven’t photographed just waiting to be added!

Happy shopping, and thank you so much for helping support my blog in this small way!

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