I do realise that my injunction above does not make clear which group should be, so to speak, targeted, so let me make clear that I am referring to Public Sector officials earning in excess of £100k a year. I am provoked to this not unreasonable suggestion in the light of today's report from a HoC committee that some utterly useless woman who has ripped off the public purse to the tune of hundreds of thousands of pounds in the form of pay and perks whilst failing miserably to show even a tiny modicum of ability or efficiency and who, despite her obvious incompetence has recently been promoted to the £180k a year job as boss woman of Revenue & Customs! This total tit of a woman is called Lin Homer and if, in these austere times, you are unable to afford a rifle treat yourself to some cheap but very rotten veg and if you spot her stepping from her limousine outside the HQ of the Inland Revenue, chuck it at her. Here is a photo to assist you:
This ninny was actually in charge of our so-called UK Border Agency which has not been 'fit for purpose' since the day after it was invented! As far as I can tell from the HoC report, Ms. Homer's efforts, if she made any apart from carting home her huge salary each month, were worse than useless and when faced with an inquisition she lied - or to put it in parliamentary language, she misled the committee. I thought misleading a parliamentary committee was a crime so hopefully there will be charges brought against her and if found guilty perhaps she could spend some time with Vicky Pryce when they could contemplate les temps perdus - whilst the rest of us suckers taxpayers contemplate les 'dosh' perdus!
When you consider these self-interested graspers and grafters who snuffle their way to the best positions in front of the trough, people like 'Sir' David Nicholson, the former supervisor of the North Staffs hospital group whose only expertise appears to be in the running of a concentration camp, you almost begin to feel sorry for the politicians. Well, you do, but only up to the point when you remember that both the Minister for Health and the Prime Minister both came out in support of the wretched man. So who, we ask, supported the decision to promote this stumblebum, incompetent, lying woman to be the boss of the Inland Revenue? Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer!