ShoeMint Haul: A Girl Can Never Have Too Many Pairs of Shoes

By Shauntee @shaunteebattie

Shoe Mint Haul: A Girl Can Never Have Too Many Pairs of Shoes

During this deep freeze, no one wants to go out unless they have to. When you do venture outdoors you have to put on so many layers of clothing until you don’t feel like it’s even worth it.  The question now becomes what do you do with all of the glorious free time one has while stuck indoors. The answer is simple; you shop! Well at least that’s what I did; right along with cursing myself for not living in the south.

A girl can never have too many pairs of shoes; so when ShoeMint kicked off their shoe slice sale. I found myself in the right place at the right time. I have purchased this brand previously and find that they are well made shoes. As far as comfort, I don’t care how much you pay for shoes; if you walk around for hours in high heels ..YOUR FEET WILL HURT!

I happen to be at my computer when ShoeMint kicked off their National Pie Day Shoe Slice sale. I imagine they were making room for new styles by having such an awesome sale; the shoes on their site normally sale for $70.00 or more. I like to keep a few extra dollars handy for such special occasions. I was able to purchase 4 pairs of shoes for $34.99. Even though some of these are winter shoes, I know for a fact that right now is the BEST time to shop for winter.

Do you know how hard it is to find sale shoes in a size 11? Very hard people! To the lucky ladies out there who wear a size 8; I’m going to drop kick you in the head (Just Kidding). Sale shoes are always available in your size! I felt like I had hit the jackpot when I seen that most of the shoes I liked were still available in my size. Hip Hip Hooray!!!! The shoe Gods smiled down on me and my wallet.

It was a good day for shoe lovers♥

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only girl out here with size 11 feet! If you wear an 11 or up; do you have the same problem?

ShoeMint Haul by shawana-battie showing how to wear fringe shoes