
By Dyarnell @dyarnell
I do not know any other way to describe how I felt when I saw two little Jetfire Daffodils poking up amongst the Goutweed today.  I had stopped expecting that the 50 daffs I had planted beneath the back spruce were going to make an appearance. Jetfire are relatively short daffodils and some may bloom entirely below the Goutweed this year, but those that show themselves are set off quite nicely against their companion's white and green foliage.Upon closer inspection I could see a few other Jetfire a few days from blooming but none of the taller Pimpernel towards the back were apparent.  But if two can come up, and the other hundred have come up, then there is still hope for more.
Next year, assuming we do not have another delayed spring, the daffodils should bloom in advance of the Goutweed which will then cover their dying leaves. At least that was my plan...
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