Vodafone Idea (Vi) The company recently added a new long validity plan to its prepaid recharge portfolio. The cost of this plan was Rs 549. This was the company’s latest long-term validity plan, in which users were being given validity of up to 180 days. At the same time, just a few days after the launch of this new plan, the company has removed this plan from its portfolio.
Vodafone Idea (Vi)’s new Rs 549 plan was launched only last week. As we said, this plan used to come with a validity of 180 days. However, just a week after the launch, the company has now removed this plan from its prepaid recharge portfolio. This recharge plan is now neither listed on the company’s website nor on the mobile app.
Rs 549 Recharge Plan Benefits
Talking about the benefits of this new Rs 549 plan of Vodafone Idea (Vi), in this plan, users get access to 1GB of data with a validity of 180 days. This means that this plan will give you access to only 1GB of data for the entire 180 days. After the data quota is over, you may have to activate another data pack.
Also, the plan did not include unlimited benefits. Talking about calling, this plan of Vodafone Idea gives talk time of Rs 549 to the users. In this pack, users would be charged 2.5 paise per second for calling. SMS benefits are not being given to the users in this plan of Vi.
Overall, this was not such a plan at all, in which users got many benefits together on one recharge. This plan could prove to be useful for those users who were looking for a budget long-term validity plan only to keep their Vodafone Idea number active. After recharging this plan, their Vi SIM would remain active for the entire 180 days. However, now the company has removed this plan from the listing.
This plan of Vi can help
Even though Vi company has now discontinued the new plan with 180 days validity, but still the Rs 1449 plan is present in the company’s portfolio. This plan provides 180 days validity to the users. 1.5GB data, unlimited calling and daily 100 free SMS are available in this plan as other telecom benefits.