Shit Movie of the Day – Little Nicky

Posted on the 15 November 2012 by Plotdevice39 @PlotDevices

Surprise surprise, another Adam Sandler movie on my list.  After being brain fucked by Jack and Jill (don’t bother watching) I decided to watch this movie cause I have never seen it and all I have heard about this movie is terrible.  So I needed to see for myself what a movie where Sandler plays some demon kid or whatever.  I don’t care.  I would rather be offered up in a satanic ritual instead of watching this again.

The youngest child of the family often has the most problems — so why should things be different for the Prince of Darkness and his offspring? Satan (Harvey Keitel) is considering retirement, and is pondering which of his sons should take over the family business — ambitious Adrian (Rhys Ifans), strapping Cassius (Tommy “Tiny” Lister Jr.), or Nicky (Adam Sandler), an accident-prone demon who prefers to stay in his room playing his favorite heavy metal tunes. When Satan decides to stay on for another 10,000 years, Adrian is outraged, and leaves Hell to go to New York, where he and Cassius attempt to round up enough souls to vote Satan out of power. Satan, understandably upset, sends Nicky to bring Adrian and Cassius back home, but Nicky finds life on Earth is more complicated than he expected. Things don’t get any easier when he develops a crush on Valerie (Patricia Arquette), a good-hearted mortal woman. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi

I don’t know how Adam Sandler is able to get the incredible talent of actors and actresses in his shit-tastic movies, but that man must be incredible at blackmail.  There is no reason that he should be able to get the sort of caliber actors to debase themselves in this terribly unfunny movie with the likes of Harvey Keitel or Rhys Ifans.  No way no how, it boggles the mind.  But Little Nicky is really one of the unfunniest and most grating movies I have seen from Sandler and it’s not really because of the content.  What could have been something entertaining becomes this droning, dead horse beating of repetitive jokes, running gags that aren’t funny the first time nor are they the sixth time it happens and Little Nicky himself is jut off-putting and grating in terms of Sandlers portrayal.  Yeah, I totally want to see him sneer, speak in a raspy voice, and contort his face for 90 minutes like he is imitating and offending handicapped people.  That’s comedy.

Little Nicky is just not funny, plain and simple.  The movie has so many running gags that they are already fucked out after the first time and the repeating just becomes enraging.  OH the priest gag is hilarious when he keeps running into Nicky and then getting hurt in stupid Looney Tunes style antics.  Oh New Yorkers are so mean when Nicky runs around town getting punched constantly.  Oh Stoners are hilarious so we should take that concept and not make them funny at all.  What about this movie is funny by the way?  I mean if you love tasteless, crude, played out comedic tropes, then this might be right up your alley.

This is like watching someone drown, grasping for that last bit of life and Little Nicky is just a mess of a movie where it is just reaching out for any joke that they think will be funny and trying to force it to be funny.  Sandler is just distracting in the movie, the jokes are stale, and I truly believe that this is Sandler’s way of telling us he struck a deal with the devil to keep making these sort of shit films and still be successful.