Shipping Container Garage Conversion: The Proper Way to Do It

By Kravelv

Nowadays, shipping containers are used for various purposes, from public places, home extensions to additional storage. Therefore, if you think that they are simply huge metal boxes used to transport your stuff, you are wrong. Shipping containers have become extremely popular for they are easy to transport, install and maintain. More importantly, they are sustainable and designed to withstand even the harshest conditions. Since they are not made out of natural resources, such as wood, they are environmentally friendly, which is one of their great benefits. Thus, there are a lot of people that are opting for shipping container garage nowadays.

Whether you are planning to build a garage for your car or an additional storage for your stuff, maybe a shipping container is the best solution for you for it is affordable and easy to maintain. Before you undertake such a complex endeavor, you should know some basic facts about creating a shipping container garage.

See if any Municipal Permission is Required

First things first: 

before you start your garage construction, you need to make sure if the municipal permission is needed.Click To Tweet Owing to their affordability, practically everyone can buy a container, but the permission for its conversion into something else might be needed. In this particular case, a concrete stab needs to be installed first for it will protect your container garage from sinking under the weight of stuff inside it.

How to Lay the Foundation?

Before you start placing the foundation for your garage, you need to know how concrete slab is laid properly. At the very beginning, you need to choose the location where you want to install your garage, as well as to mark it. Once you do that, you need to flatten the ground, which is usually done with the pressure roller. Repeat the action until the marked terrain is an inch or two below the level of the surrounding ground. Of course, you will also have to remove all plants from this ground.

The next step is forming the frame around the marked place. Start with the boards that are supposed to be 12-inch wide and 2-inch thick. Then, you should fasten them at the corners with the 3-inch nails. Once you do that, you need to add the row of bricks along the frame’s edge, which is supposed to hold it firm while you are pouring concrete.

How to Make a Shipping Container Garage?

Once you do that, you need to place the shipping container properly. For example, if you want just to extend your home and are looking for a place where to store you stuff, you should make the garage face your home’s entrance. On the contrary, if you are planning to build a garage for your car, you need to find a proper position for it, as well as to add a driveway entrance to it.

After that, you need to make sure if your garage needs to be insulated. Apart from the fact that shipping containers can be used for various purposes, they also need to be adapted. If the garage is supposed to be your storage, it should definitely be insulated. There are various kinds of insulation materials and one of the most common ones are polystyrene sheets that should be attached to the ceiling and the walls, after which the gaps should be sealed with foam insulation. On the other hand, insulation is not necessary when it comes to the place for your car. Finally, the dehumidifier should be installed for it will protect the entire place from damp.

As you can see, shipping containers can be easily converted to a garage. And creating a shipping container garage is easy, all you have to do is to follow these rules and you will enjoy your brand-new garage.

Some Ways to Overcome Your Storage Problems Using Your Garage Door By Our Friends At Elite Garage Door & Gate Repair Of Renton


Author Bio:

Lillian Connors is home improvement/green living enthusiast in charge of the sustainability segment on Smooth Decorator. You can check her out on Google+, Twitter and  LinkedIn.
