Shiny New Books Issue 2 Goes Live

By Drharrietd @drharrietd

Yes, folks, after a rather frantic few days of last minute reviewing, uploading, proofreading, and much mysterious clicking of keyboards by the technical whizzes Simon and Annabel, while Victoria and I watched openmouthed on Skype, issue 2 is up and running this morning. There's so much in there I hardly know how to begin, so I'll bring you some highlights in the coming days. 

Just wanted to say, though, and I shall be saying this again I'm sure -- I was proofreading for most of yesterday and the thing that struck me most forcibly was the quality of the reviewing. This issue has many more reviews by contributors rather than just by the editors, and they are a really talented bunch. We are so happy to have them all on board. So do head over to Shiny New Books and have a browse.

There's a new look, too, with summer colours and a new banner photo -- see above. We love it, and hope you will too.