We were in Philadelphia last month on our way to the Pterodactyl Gallery for Adam's opening. Driving through Fishtown, Adam asked if we wanted to make a quick detour to see one of two new murals that Shepard Fairy and his crew had recently installed. Being a "huge, huge" admirer of Fairy's work...of course we did! (And what an unexpected treat!)
This particular mural is one of two wheat paste murals that Fairy installed in Philadelphia in conjunction with Philly's Mural Arts Program. It's on the side of Rocket Cat Cafe, on the corner of Frankford & Norris. As with all the other wonderful murals put up throughout Philadelphia through the Mural Arts Program (and Fairy's particular work in general), it's creative glow illuminates and uplifts the neighborhood around it. I wish more cities and urban areas would implement a Mural Arts program into their community.
Below is a short YouTube video I ran across which documented the installation of of this glorious piece.
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