Shed Painting

By The Garden Smallholder @gdnsmallholder

I painted the allotment shed today. I fancied a change of color.

The new paint is called Mediterranean Glaze by Cuprinol, I’ve admired this color for a long while now and got the exact shade I wanted mixed in-store for me at our local Homebase. I’m really happy with the result, it’s just how I pictured it in my head and my shed will be a fantastic backdrop against spring and summer flowers next year. My creative and design juices are flowing with color combinations whirling around in my head, one plant I must have growing near the shed next year is Salvia, for slender spires of intense violet-blue flowers. I grow Salvia in old wooden wine crates topped with pea shingle at home, which looks fantastic on the patio.

The weather turned out lovely after a frosty start to the morning, last night was cold and typical of October weather, we’ve been a bit spoilt with unseasonably mild weather for so long.

My shed is now ready for autumn and winter with its bright aqua armor. Because my shed is blue underneath, it’ll look interesting when the paint starts to weather.

Filed under: Allotment Tagged: allotment, allotment shed, aqua shed, cuprinol mediterranean glaze, green shed, shed paint