She’s a Girl!

By Mummyoftwo @RaspberryGiggle

October 22, 2013, admin, Family, Thoughts & Feelings, , 3

Something has been really bugging me lately.  A few times now people have mistaken Little Miss A for a boy.  Now I know I am biased but really, does this beautiful face look like a boy?!

It mainly seems to happen when she is not wearing pink!  Since when did all the other colours be made only for boys?

The first instance was a few weeks ago.  I had taken Little Miss A to our local chain pub to meet her Granny and Aunty for lunch.  At the table next to us was an elderly couple and, as they got up to leave, they started talking to Little Miss A and us.  The man said something along the lines of ‘oh it must be a boy in that outfit’.  Little Miss A was wearing this….

Obviously she’s a boy dressed in a turquoise dress and leggings with bunnies on!  I politely pointed out to them that in fact SHE was a girl and on they went.

Today I have had the same again.  Whilst at the dentist the dental nurse was filling out an NHS card for Little Miss A.  She asked Ethan what his little brother’s name was.  Wondering why he was ignoring her she asked again when the dentist pointed out to her that HE was in fact a little sister.  Shock horror I had dressed my little girl in navy!  The outfit in question was navy leggings and a t-shirt with blue glittery hearts on, not something a boy would wear!

Am I deluded?  Does my gorgeous little girl really look like a boy?  Do I have to dress her in pink everyday and put a giant ribbon in her hair?  Or is it everyone else not taking the time to look and assuming because she isn’t in a pink frilly dress she must be a girl!

I’d love to know if anyone else has the same problem.