SHAYvorites, 3/22/13

By Thecurlycasualista @curlycasualista
I'm off to West Virginia this weekend (checking another state off my list of places I've been)! I think it's going to be cold and snowy, but I'm excited regardless. What are your plans for the weekend?
  • I'm always amazed by others' entrepreneurial spirits (I definitely do not have that kind of skill), so I was super excited to read about The B Bar, an awesome-sounding collaboration between Meg and Victoria. I can't wait for it to open!
  • I don't know about you, but Google Analytics is super confusing to me. Thankfully, Design*Sponge has a great article on how to use it!
  • Never really new the difference between dicing and julienning? Well, now you do.