Sharing Strength

Posted on the 23 January 2011 by Jean Campbell

Sharing Strength

As their logo says, SharingStrength is an online resource and community for Canadian women with breast cancer.

The organization’s mission is to provide easy online access to valuable support information and services of government agencies, health care organizations and patient support groups within Canada and around the world, and develop online tools and services that support a vibrant community of Canadian women supporting one another.

SharingStrength simplifies the process of finding information and support by connecting Canadians affected by breast cancer with trusted organizations and their quality resources and support services. Through SharingStrength women can get to the knowledge they need to answer  their questions and even get  to know what questions they should ask. SharingStrength is about helping women get the best possible care and support, and an understanding of what they can expect from their experience with breast cancer.

Initially, the organization was Canadian specific, but the nature of the Internet has expanded that mandate to include the wide world (www).

Today the information in the Resource Library originates from around the world. However, where appropriate their descriptions include special notes should a drug name or treatment regimen, etc. differ in the Canadian context. Likewise, the Community Circle is open to all women wanting to share about breast cancer whatever their country.

SharingStrength is about community; a vibrant community of women supporting one another by sharing their experiences and connecting with other members.

To learn more about the services of SharingStrength, visit