Share Your Story: Chris Evans, Student Pilot (KCMA)

By Swayne Martin @MartinsAviation
Welcome to the 31st "Share Your Story" post. Pilots from around the world write in featuring their flight experiences, promoting their blogs, websites, social media, novels, etc. These posts show students the diverse range of experiences/careers available to them in aviation. More details + how to participate can be found via the following: Click Here and Get Involved

My Name is Chris Evans. I am 23 years old and live in Sunny Thousand Oaks, CA. When I was young my dad went through flight school out of KCMA (Camarillo, CA) airport. Although my dad loved training he was never able to take his check ride and receive his PPL. Because of my dads love for airplanes my family and I would go every Sunday morning after church to Camarillo Airports Waypoint Cafe. We would all order their delicious tri-tip sandwich and listen to the local ATC. When I was younger i knew I loved airplanes but never thought I would become a pilot. As I grew up I drifted away from the airport and never thought I would want to be a pilot. One Christmas my sister purchased an introductory flight for my dad and I and the rest is history.Share Your Story: Chris Evans, Student Pilot (KCMA)
After the intro flight I knew that flying was going to be my career I just needed to figure out how. As I procrastinated on starting flight school I came across Swayne's blog which has inspired me to kick it into high gear and go for my PPL.I have spent the past couple months training and will be fly my first solo within the next week. My goal as an aviator it to eventually become a commercial pilot. I know that the road is not easy but, with hard work and dedication I know it will happen. Share Your Story: Chris Evans, Student Pilot (KCMA)
I wanted to thank Swayne for creating this amazing blog which allows us all to learn and become inspired to work toward our goals. With the inspiration that Swayne has given me I have decided to start my own blog telling others my story and hopefully like Swayne, inspiring future pilots.One thing that my dad always told me growing up is "every day is a new day with all kinds of possibilities". This is completely true and if you believe in yourself anything is possible.

Email: Myfirstflighttraining@gmailBlog:
Facebook: Chris Evans---------------------

Thanks so much Chris for writing in and sharing your story. I'm so happy to hear that through reading my blog, you were inspired to start up your flight training again and are going head-on towards your PPL! I can't wait to fly with you someday! 

Thanks again for writing in and participating in the Share Your Story section of the blog, Swayne Martin Martins Aviation / From Private to Professional PilotTwitter: @MartinsAviationYoutube: MartinsAviation1