"Share the Kleenex ® Care" Movement.

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups
“I did some acts of kindness with Kleenex® Brand products as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #KleenexCare”

Getting sick is no fun. But at least in high school, it was an excuse to miss school. As an adult, you can't miss work without taking vacation days and if you're a parent, forget it. You can't tell your infant or toddler you don't feel like showing up today because well, they depend on you. 
I always tell my husband he's a big baby when he's sick. Of course I'm totally joking with him but I guess when he says he's sick, he's really sick. So when he gets sick overseas, I just feel absolutely terrible for him. Of course they have "sick call" and doctors overseas but sleeping on an uncomfortable bed, in the middle of the desert (or mountains depending where you are), without anyone to bring you soup, orange juice, or medicine, just plain sucks. Some soldiers may have an Exchange Store (PX) around them to buy the necessities while sick but others may not. Which means they solely rely on care packages sent from, you guessed it, us over here in the US of A. 
So before one of them gets put in that horrific position again, I wanted to make sure him and his friends had the right tools to nurse themselves back to help should any unfortunate sickness arise. Here's how I joined the Share the Kleenex® Care movement and what I sent to my husband overseas:

Thermometer Chicken Noodle SoupKleenex Brand ProductsMedicine (I included a few different varieties)Cough DropsPain Reliever/Fever Reducer GatoradeCrackersDisinfectant wipes
I usually ship everything in flat rate boxes because it's the best deal; it goes by one price vs. weight. Those Gatorades are going to be heavy so this will be your best bet. This is a "large" size box and fit almost everything. I ended up shipping two to include everything pictured :) 
We sometimes take for granted than we can run up to the corner drugstore when we forget something or need something in a bind. But the soldiers overseas don't always have that luxury and having these supplies on hand truly makes their lives a lot easier. And helps nurse them back to health when they're sick and 3,000 miles away from home. 

Show someone you care this cold and flu season by joining the Share the Kleenex Care Movement. Whether you share with your neighbors, soldiers overseas, or kids at your child's school, sharing is caring! Kleenex enables acts of care and one little act goes a long way :)