Shape Shifters

By Ashleylister @ashleylister

Our myths and legends are filled with tales of shape-shifting, fantastical creatures, from vampires who change into bats and hunan beings who morph into werewolves under the influence of a full moon.  Naturally, most shape-shifting creatures are pure fiction, however, I recently encountered twelve in an ordinary setting.  

Twelve of them walk into the room
fuss around boxes
assemble workspaces.
I am seated, draped
on a chez long as they
circle around me poised to strike.
The small silver haired man
shape-shifts into a hawk
perched on the back of a chair.
His steely eyes meet mine
then his intense stare
scans my legs, my hands.
The secretary bird
peers around her easel
measuring me up with a ruler
first vertical, then horizonal.
The big black bear
is a little too close
he growls and sighs
his hot breath brushing my skin.
The crane stands side on
and struts her left eye droops
half closed.

The elephant in the room
stands at the back
rooting in a plastic bag.
A badger scrapes among
her pastels taking time
to settle until she finds
the perfect tone.

The jackdaw sees
in monochrome
the peacock in color.

The fox holds up a pencil
then disappears behind his screen
finally dipping his brush
into paint.
I sit, scrutinized stalked by
these creatures.
After a while the elephant
leaves the room.
Then when time is up
the others shape shift
back into human form
put on coats
then depart clutching
their portraits of me.
Thank you for reading. Adele
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