Shannon's Law by Emma Calin

By Gpangel @gpangel1


Emma Calin


Wild child inner city cop Shannon Aguerri walks a dangerous line between her methods and justice. When the bosses lose their nerve, after yet another maverick mission, she is transferred to green pastures to play out the role of a routine village cop. When she encounters signs of people and drug trafficking she homes in on serious millionaire criminals. As a loner she has attracted men but nothing has stuck. When she meets Spencer, the hunky and widowed Earl of Bloxington, there is an immediate rapport between them. Their social differences mean nothing to their passion and need. Already in the mix is an upper class female rival – who has long plotted her way into the Earl's bed. The jealousy is an evil shade of green and the anger is a violent scarlet. Often inhibited by a sense of duty and honour, Spencer is slow to reveal his feelings. When Shannon confronts him with the need to choose between her word and that of her rival, he does not immediately support her. All the same, when they are forced together to carry out a desperate rescue mission, their love is stronger than everything ranged against them.

Author's note: This book is quite 'strongly flavoured' and features uninhibited, but straightforward steamy sexual scenes between consenting adults and true-to-life street language that would occur in high-stress situations.
Shannon's Law by Emma Calin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Shannon's law by Emma Calin is a February 2014 is a Gallo-Ramano publication. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Shannon has been tranfered to Fleetwood Green and assigned a beat cop position. Right away she notices some unusual activity involving drugs. When she catches the Earl of Bloxington's son with marijuana, she confronts the Earl and informs him of the situation. The last thing she expected was for there to be an attraction between herself and Spencer. She also meets Jasmine, a woman with her sights set on Spencer. Jasmine and Shannon immediately butt heads.
As the investigation into the criminal drug trade begins to heat up so does the relationship between Spencer and Shannon. Jasmine is also burning... with jealousy. Spencer doesn't really seem to understand the seriousness of the situation with Jasmine until he finds himself in a dangerous situation with Shannon and Jasmine shows him her true intentions.
I have not read anything by this author before, but I intend to keep my eyes open for her books from now on. This is the second book in the" Passion Patrol" series, but this book can be read as a stand alone.
Shannon is a sassy, independent, woman that has never rubbed elbows with the likes of royalty. Being in the midst of the upper crust society has Shannon feeling excited, but very nervous and a little out of place. Spencer is worth it though as Shannon falls hard for this handsome widower and father. The feeling is mutual, but the relationship with Jasmine relates back to the Earl's first wife and he resitates when he is put into a tight spot and finds himself having to decide which woman to believe- Shannon or Jasmine. Naturally, you can understand how Shannon might feel about that.
There are some really tough scenes and some graphic forensic decriptions in the story but mostly the the focus is on the relationship between Spencer and Shannon. Spencer's son could have been set up and the more Shannon digs the more is appears he was innocent. There are some twist in the story which gives up a glimpse into the darker side of human nature.
I loved Shannon's character. She is forthcoming and doesn't believe in pulling any punches. She has a big heart, but doesn't take any crap. She has a very sharp tongue and a wicked sense of humor and not everyone appreciates it. I thought she was great. Spencer of course is conflicted and being raised as a part of royalty he is much more reserved and at times you will find you want to hug him and at times you want punch him. He does show some backbone though when he has to and of course redeems himself in end.
This story is unlike most romantic supsense/ mystery novels and is very modern and very British. I really enjoyed it. Overall I will give this one a B+

Emma Calin was born in London in 1962. She currently lives in France and the UK.
She has been writing since childhood and has won numerous local, national and international prizes for poetry and short stories.
"Knockout!" is the first of the "Passion Patrol Series" a stand-alone love story set against a backdrop of international gambling corruption and deception. Interpol cop Anna Leyton finds herself torn between love and duty when her professional and private life intersects. This book is now available in both paperback and Kindle formats.
"The Love in a Hopeless Place Collection" is a bargain anthology of 5 short stories and novelettes, available in paperback and digital formats.
"Sub-Prime" is a prize-winning hard hitting short story about courage, exploitation and love. It is a raw and brutal exposé of life at the bottom in the aftermath of recession.
"The Chosen" is also a short story, set in modern times where working people struggle to keep their dreams alive. A world where the promise of love motivates desperate measures.
"Escape To Love" is a 'novelette' (longer than a short story but shorter than a novella), a gritty urban romance with suspense and mystery but a love story at it's core.
"Angela" a short story about a late-night taxi journey.
"Love in a Hopeless Place" a novelette about a middle-aged woman striving to find her true identity.
Amazon links to books by Emma Calin
HYPERLINK "" Shannon’s Law USA HYPERLINK "'s+Law" Shannon's Law UK
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HYPERLINK "" Knockout! (Passion Patrol Series)
HYPERLINK "" The Love in a Hopeless Place Collection
HYPERLINK "" Sub-Prime
HYPERLINK "" The Chosen
HYPERLINK "" Escape To Love
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