Shane MacThomáis RIP

By Thedublindiary @TheDublinDiary

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I was deeply saddened recently to hear about the passing of Shane MacThomáis, author, resident historian and tour guide in Glasnevin Cemetery.
I didn't know him but I met him in Glasnevin Cemetery after one of his tours. I was in the gift shop buying both of his books when he offered to sign them for me. Of course I didn't know who he was at the time so when I sort of hesitated, bumblingly, the cashier kindly told me he was the author. He took this slight with amazing good grace!
Of course I treasure the books, both wonderful testaments to a fantastic, enthusiastic and engaging historian as well as being marvelous introductions to Glasnevin and it's occupants.
Thought I only met him once I can't help but feel the chasm that the death of Shane leaves. He was instrumental in so much of the preservation at Glasnevin and I can only imagine what a loss he will be when it comes to 2016.
Dublin city has lost one of it's most endearing historians.
Ní bheidh a leithéid arís ann.