
By Gldmeier @gldmeier
I dont know many of the personalities on the Left and involved with Achim Laneshek or Koach Kaplan (obviously I have become familiar with some of the main names, but not most of the people involved there), so I dont know who was behind or who was actively involved in tonight's protest in Mea Shearim. 
It is a shame they are letting extremists take over the movement and do things that do not advance their goals in any way and will only hinder them. There was absolutely no purpose and nothing to gain by the protest they held tonight in Mea Shearim and all it was good for was to generate some "action" and violence and increase hatred among the two sides for each other.
I have no problem with protests (legal, police sanctioned) even during war. That's part of living in a democracy. Tonight's was just shameful and purposeless. 
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