Shamanic Forest: Color Variations

By Lucy @TheThingsWeDO3

Hello everyone!

Today I’d like to talk about colors and tints and how they can change the overall view and perception of one and the same artwork. Color is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and cause physiological reactions. As an example I will use the Shamanic Forest illustration I posted here some time ago.

The original version.

Red and carmine colors make the picture look somewhat menacing, as though something dangerous is right about to happen.

Red is commonly associated with danger, sacrifice, passion, love and anger. Studies show that red can have a physical effect, increasing the rate of respiration and raising blood pressure.

The “night” version.

Here the color of the sky is dark blue with the indigo tint changing the perception of the illustration from danger to inner security and confidence. Now the viewer can see the calm and quiet night forest, filled with the magic light of the stars.

Blue calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity and causes the opposite reaction as red. It is often described as peaceful, tranquil, secure, and orderly. Blue color causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms.

“Sunrise” version.

At this variation te picture is overfilled with light hues of pink, rose and fuchsia colours. Similar to the “night” version, the  forest landscape provides the calm impression, but at the same time it contains the need of action. The sun is about to rise, the new day is about to begin.

Pink color  is feminine and romantic, affectionate and intimate, thoughtful and caring. It tones down the physical passion of red replacing it with a gentle loving energy.

 “Twilight” version.

At this image the picture is filled with green, yellow and blue colours. With these colours and tints the viewer gets the feeling of relaxation and melancholy. Twilight is the time between dawn and sunrise, when the night is almost over, but the day has not begun yet.

Green is an emotionally positive color, it is the color most commonly associated with nature and the environmental movement, spring, hope and envy.


By simply changing the leading colours of the illustration we showed how dramatically color can affect moods, feelings and emotions of the viewer. Of course, the feelings about color can also be personal or simply rooted to culture. But in general, an artist can use the color to manupulate the viewer.

That`s what I call the power of colour!