
Posted on the 04 November 2020 by Chandigarhayurved
  • Botanical Name: Bombax ceiba Linn. (Bombax ciba) Syn-Bombax malabaricum DC., Salamalia malabarica (DC.) Schott & Endl.
  • Family: Bombacaceae (Bombaceae)
  • Name in English: Silk cotton tree
  • Sanskrit-Shalmali, Mocha, Pichchila, Purani, Raktushpa, Sthirayu, Tulini;
  • Hindi-semar, semal;
  • Oriya-Buro, Salmali;
  • Konkani-Sanvor, Sauvor;
  • Kannada-Pula (Apoorarni), Buraga, Apurani;
  • Gujarati-Shimalo, Simulo;
  • Tamil-Ilavu (Ilavu), Pulai;
  • Telugu-Buraga, Buruga chettu;
  • Bengali-Pagun, Shimul gach, Rokto simul;
  • Nepali-Simal; Marathi-Kante sanvar, Lal sanvar, Shemal, Sarmalo;
  • Malayalam-Illavu (Ilavu), Mocha.
  • English-Bombex, Red-silk-cotton-tree.


It is found in tropical and subtropical forests of India up to an altitude of about 1500 m. Shalmali wood has been used in Vedic literature to manufacture milk etc. In Charaksamhita, the use of Shalmali in oil used for arsh, urustambha and pituksha is mentioned.

According to Nighanturatnakar, consumption of mocharas removes mercury disorder. It is enumerated in the presidencies of Charaksamhita, Puritanabhinaya, Vedinasthana, Kashayasakandha and Sushruta Samhita. Its acceleration leads to an exertion, which is called mochras. This secretion is brown in fresh state and black rosewood color when it is old, brittle and light. Its two species are used in medicine. Many scholars believe that sleeping with a cotton pillow made from the fruits of semal and keeping the head in it, sleep is good.

Bombax ceiba Linn.

Its trees are up to 40 m tall, very large and thick. Its scandal is strong. Its letters are signed. Its flowers are bright blood color, yellow or orange fleshy. Its fruits are 15-17.5 cm long, woody and green in color. Its seeds are many, smooth, oily, Krishna or gray seeds with thin seedlings. The cotton obtained from its fruit is used in the treatment of ulcers. Its gum resembles dry light brown galls and later on is opaque and dark brown. The gum of semal is known as mocharas.

White Semer (Ceiba pentandra (Linn.) Gaertn.

It is 20-30 m tall, intermediate or long, deciduous tree. Its branches extend parallel to the land and the new branches are prickly. Its flowers are white or yellow. Its fruits are white, with silky hairs and longitudinally. The seeds are multinomial, 6 mm long or more long, circular or elliptical or pear shaped, Krishna varna, shiny and wrapped with silk like cotton.

Ayurvedic virtues, deeds and effects

Semal is sweet, pungent, cold, short, balsamic, yellowish, aphrodisiac, chemical, receptive, old, powerful, brittle, spermacetic, difficile, metallic, and nutritious.

It is blood borne, diarrhea, blood poisoning, leucorrhoea and anorectal.

The flowers of semal are flavored, bitter, bitter, cold, gurus, rough and kaphapittashamak.

It is aphrodisiac, receptor, blood poisoning and diabetic.

Semar's Niryaas (Mocharas) are astringent, phlegmatic, receptive, cold, balsamic, confirmatory and semen-enhancing.

It is beneficial in alveoli, blood vessels, urine, blood vessels and leucorrhoea.

White semper

White Semal is Tikt, Katu, Warm, Kafawatshamak and Penetration.

It is used in, spleen-disorder, gulm, liver-disorder, toxin-effect, abdominal disorder, contraction, blood poisoning, atherosclerosis and colic.

Its root and gum are coagulant, medocarpus, febrifuge, diuretics and vasicar.

Its aphasia are soft and spongy.

Its condyle is vamak, diuretic, columnar and fever.

It is a disease of gastrointestinal disorders, constipation, colic and constipation.

Its origin is beneficial in poemuria, gastric, gonorrhea, fever and painful urination.

  • Diarrhea is treated by dissolving Kalkmivrant Kalk in water overnight, filtering it in the morning and adding liquorice powder and honey to it, suppressing diarrhea.
  • Parivarva (Vatyapad) - If it becomes prevalent called Parivarva while giving the cloth, then it should be given Niru-Vasti from the milk of proven goat with the letters of Semal and the flower.
  • The flow of liquor is extinguished by mixing the melted butter in the proven milk methodically with the semilinear leaf paper.
  • Blood-mocharas and 2-1 grams of sugar mixed in 1-1 parts of powdered lacquer and taking 2-4 grams of this mixture is beneficial in blood pressure.
  • Boil five grams of sesame seeds with 100-150 ml milk and mix sugars and drink, it provides relief in piles.
  • Spleen growth- After cooking 5 grams of seminal flower with steam of water, keeping it overnight and mixing 1 gram of mustard powder, taking it is beneficial in spleen disease.
  • Urinary disorders- Consuming 1-3 grams of seminal seed kernel powder is a mitigation of urinary disorders etc.
  • Grind old-age soft flowers and mix sesame oil in it, lukewarm and apply paste.
  • Leucorrhoea (Shalmali Gheera) - Consumption of duly proven ghee by cooling with soft flowers, endoscope, gambhari and sandalwood is beneficial in all types of leucorrhoea.
  • Menorrhagia - Mixing sugar candy in 10-15 ml seminal flower tone and drinking it helps to eliminate menorrhagia disorders.
  • Eating leucorrhoea made with seminal flowers is beneficial in leucorrhoea.
  • Spermatorrhoea - Grind the mixed conch shell flakes powder in 2-4 grams of seminal bark and grind it in milk and mix it with sugar and consume it.
  • Blood-pressure: Grind rasout with water, filter it and mix it with it, and drink it, it provides relief in blood pressure.
  • Grinding the letters of lump-semal and making poultice and tying it in lumps is beneficial.
  • Padadah - Applying ground bark to the bark is a mitigation of paddah (right foot soles).
  • Grinding ulcer-soft bark, balsamule and banyan sheet and applying it on the ulcer removes pain easily.
  • Flammable ulcer - It is beneficial to grind cotton wool of soft fruit and apply it on the ignited ulcer.
  • Rubbing the thorns of person-sesame with milk and applying it on the mouth is beneficial in the person.
  • Taking honey mixed with Rattapitta-Khadir, Pringu, Kachnar and seminal flower powder (1-3 gms) is beneficial in blood disorders.
  • Boiling the soft paper, frying it in a little ghee, making yush etc., experimenting with Anupana is a diet in the bloodstream.
  • Drinking milk that is proven to be beneficial in blood disorders is beneficial in blood disorders.
  • Vajikaran - Consumption of equal quantity of sugar (1-3 grams) of sugars, seminal naryas and myrrh with milk containing sugar can increase the ejaculation properties.
  • Taking chemicals and Vajikar-Shalmali basic practice with sesame enhances the chemical and rationalization properties.
  • Taking powder (2-4 grams) of Shukrakshaya-Guduchi, Asparagus, Kenwach seed, Bala, Shalmali and Muesli root and consuming it with milk powder enhances the Vajikaran properties.

Medicinal Uses

Use of white semal

Eating Kutshalmali swara is beneficial in pomegranate.

Pooameh - 18-18 parts resin, stone pellets, cotsalmali niyasya, 9-9 parts vanshalochan, white cumin, Krishna cumin, 20 parts cardamom, 12 parts silkhat satta and 6 parts sugars with 12 grams of goat milk There is immense benefit in poemuria. During its intake, oil, acid and salts are inactive.

Leucorrhoea - About 12 grams of barley flour mixed with 12 grams of cutshalmali niyas churna, making pupulika (puas) and taking it with hot melted butter is a suppressor of leprosy.

White leucorrhoea - Mixing ghee and sugar candy in 75 grams of cotsalmali niyasya, 50 grams of milk and 100 grams of cumin, making 7 modaks and taking 1-1 modak daily is beneficial in white leucorrhoea.

Useful parts: Kantak, Vritta, Bark, Flower, Patra and Nirasas (Mocharas).

Quantity: 2-4 grams of skin. Original powder 2-4 grams Bijagiri powder 1-3 gms. Floral Swarx 10-15 ml. According to the doctor's consultation.

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