Shallow Grave - Threshold Between Worlds

Posted on the 01 November 2018 by Ripplemusic

Shallow Grave. It's a name I've read about frequently lately,as it seems everyone loves the doom that this band has created for their new album, Threshold Between Worlds; available through Sludgelord Records. Upon listening to my promo for this album I was able to understand why it's getting the praise that it is. It's dark, moody, bludgeoning music that hits your ears like a great melodic hammer,insisting that you listen,insisting on your full attention; it definitely had mine.
I love how incredibly huge this album sounds, so I must get a vinyl copy,because I'll bet it sounds even larger on that format. The guitar tones range from fuzzed out oblivion to cleans that sound like ice, and the bass/drums add the perfect base for these amazing songs. Vocally, this is some grating, perfectly heavy vocal work; a mix of black metal and power that comes across really well.
The four songs on this album are all heavy numbers, with a dark tone that only dials up the brutality of this release. These tracks are arranged for full effect, and the effects are well received in my opinion. The way they have mixed dark and light elements is really awesome,and the drone/doom pieces are bad ass; I really love some of the slower sections, because they have so much power being conveyed through that slow tempo...I find it really amazing to listen to.
Master of Cruelty opens with a cool drone thing, with the guitars really coming in at around 2 minutes or so. They only add to the drone feel,by accentuating it with what they choose to play; this is an excellent intro piece. Just before the 5 minute mark,we get our first taste of the vocals, and it was worth the wait for so many reasons. These vocals are executed in a way that sounds pained, angry, and perfect for the song. This one is just over 13 minutes in length,but every second of it is simply incredible doom playing; so the time is never really a factor in terms of holding interest. Of the four songs on this album,this one is my favorite.
There's a single or 2 out already, and it can be preordered on Bandcamp. I urge fans of doom to get into this one,it's really very good stuff,and worthy of the hype it has been getting. Enjoy!!!
-T.C. Mayhem