#ShadowReader by Imtiaz Dharker

By Pamelascott

Shadow Reader is a radiant criss-cross of encounters, messages, and Punjabi proverbs, shot through with the dark thread of an unwelcome prophecy. The poems bind this looming curse to the occupation of countries, the earth and its creatures, those who own the story and those who redirect it through art or artifice. 'Does the warp look back at the one who is weaving and say, This is not how I remember it...?'

Imtiaz Dharker's collection pays attention to wilful erasures, exclusions and also to places of sanctuary. This is poetry as music, as momentum, as the texture and taste of languages, joyously sensuous and rich in images. While it acknowledges the everyday and its shadows, it is also an irreverent, playful celebration of life.



(@BloodaxeBooks, 23 May 2024, e-galley, 160 pages, ARC from the Publisher via @edelweiss_squad)



I've enjoyed other poems by the author so really wanted to read Shadow Reader. This is quite long poetry collection but every page was a pleasure to read. Some of the poems have quite dark themes and ideas running through them but they are so well-written and engaging. I really enjoyed this collection and sound a surprise on every page. This is a powerful, moving collection. I especially liked Story, I Am Not Alone, However, Night Walk with Fox, Sweeping and You Are. I'd recommend this.
