The past couple of weeks we have had two high school seniors shadowing Natures Garden. These two wonderful ladies, Kacie and Caitlyn, have been an absolute blast! We’re very sad to see them go but their time here was definitely well spent. Not only did they get the opportunity to see how we operate at Natures Garden, but they made some pretty cool projects along the way. Now, I’d like to share some of what these lovely girls have been working on during the past couple weeks.
Prior to starting any projects we needed to know what types of fragrance oils the girls liked most. This way we could have them making all sorts of projects with their favorite scents! Therefore, we had them go to the fragrance bar, which is located in the Natures Garden store, to smell all sorts of our delightful fragrance oils. After smelling everything that they could, Kacie and Caitlyn each picked out ten of their favorite scents. They also picked out some of their favorite recipes from our recipe box. Finally we could begin on the real fun, turning these fragrances into your very own soaps, candles, or anything else you can imagine.
The first project the girls tried out was the Hydrangea Candle Recipe. They used one of their shared favorite scents, Blue Raspberry Slushie Fragrance Oil, and they both turned out great. Not only was their first project a complete success, but we were all pretty impressed with these candles and their colors choices.
Another beautiful creation was done using the Easter Confetti Soap Recipe. This fairly simple melt and pour recipe turned out to be a very lovely loaf. Not only did their soap loaves look fantastic but the Pink Orchid and Amber Fragrance Oil had their bars smelling amazing as well.
One recipe that the girls were especially excited for was bath bombs. These bath time delights were made using, one of Kacie’s favorite fragrances, County Apple Fragrance Oil. Although the girls used the Orange Dreamsickle Bath Bomb Recipe, they gave it a slight twist by adding pink!
Next, the girls even learned how to make their own soap from scratch! They did an awesome in the pot swirl using the World Peace Cold Process Soap Recipe. The colors were vibrant and amazing just like the scent that was used, Fruity Rings Fragrance Oil.
Another method they learned in soap making was how to do hot process soap. The Purrs and Paws HP Soap Recipe was used to create these loaves and NG Aqua Di Gio Type Fragrance Oil was added as well. The loaves had glitter added and turned out to be quite pretty.
Also, the girls helped create a couple new recipes that will be coming soon! The first recipe is a melt and pour soap recipe that we really hope you’ll enjoy. The second recipe is new a lotion recipe that we are very excited to share with you.
It was great to have Kacie and Caitlyn working with us on all of these fun projects. It seems that these ladies got everything that they needed out of shadowing Natures Garden and have a better understanding of Nature’s Garden and what goes on here. They are both very funny and wonderful girls and we hope that they come back to visit us in the future! We would like to wish them the best of luck as they graduate from high school and prepare for college. It truly was a pleasure to work with the two of you!