Shades of Yous – A Book of Poems

By Luphil

Today at spring equinox I publish a book of poems (in German) called  “Schattierungen von Dus” (Shades of Yous). I wrote the 90 + 2 poems in June-October 2009. Now, 3.5  years later, they come out as a digital work. Each of the poems is illustrated by a photo illustrating the tonality of the content and some of the motives. To give you a vague idea of the poems, here is a PDF with an effort to translate some of the poems. And here you can download the German book as a powerpoint (9 MB) or as a PDF (10.6 MB, with Acrobat Reader bookmarks to each of the poems) to see at least the numerous photos (please download the PDF, in my PDF online-viewer the colours of the photos are bad). Most of them I shot myself, many were given by friends.

It was quite some work to edit the volume and I’m very happy that it is now ready. The poems speak about the reverberation of encounters, of wounds and their healing, of the dangers of the path and the surprises everyday life brings. To my surprise I noted that the “Schattierungen von Dus” appeared exactly 33 years after my first volume of poems, the “Gesang der Stille” (or as PDF) (Song of Silence), which I wrote in Aries 1980 and published end of that year, together with illustrations I did for the poems. Some of the motives of the new poems already were there in the old ones.

Enjoy reading / viewing.