Sexy Cops – Day 11

By Cynthialuhrs @wickedgreens

Hee hee, did I get your attention? Good. Remember Monroe, the sexy hardass cop? Well, he’s going to get his own book. There’s so much to his story and so many questions. Which book does he get? Well, we’ll have to see how demanding he gets. It won’t be book 3, that spot goes to a villain…

As you know, I’m participating in a writing challenge through an online writer’s loop and an author there is doing a 60K in 30 day challenge – on Facebook and I’m in.

T0tal words so far – 11,982

Day 10 – 0 taking the weekend off, out of town
Day 9 - 2,377  and completed first writing challenge with over 5K
Day 8 - 465 and a root canal – what’s up with this week!?
Day 7 – 2,294
Day 6 – 379
Day 5 – 0
Day 4 – 2,094
Day 3 – 320
Day 2 – 2,053
Day 1 – 2K


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