Sexually Transmitted Parasitical Infections

Posted on the 17 August 2016 by Calvinthedog

Concerned Assman writes:


You mentioned in an earlier post on this general subject that something like 60% of Gay man have nasty parasites in their gut. Where does this come from? From stuff like licking asses and drinking evacuated enema water? I love licking my girlfriend’s ass, but she has impeccable hygiene — however, I do not want to get any nasty parasites in my gut that don’t belong there. Not worth it.

The figure is incorrect. It is not 60% of gay men that have parasites, it is more like ~100% of them do, or at least that was what one study found. I said that they have on average 60 different species of parasites in these gay men. I think most of them are harmless, but still.

Gay men get that from licking asses, which is something they really love to do. They really go to town when they do it too. I have seen a few videos and photos. They go for it like a man who hasn’t eaten in 30 days. It is quite a sight to behold.

I do not think that gay men commonly drink evacuated enema water. Or I certainly hope they don’t. There are probably a few that may do such a thing. I have never in my life heard of gay men engaging in this activity. Neither have I heard of any straight people doing this either, thank God.

The thing is that the gay male population is totally saturated with these parasites, so you are dealing with a disease base or reservoir that is unbelievably infected with these critters.

However, your average straight man has zero parasites in his gut. The same study found both zero parasites in straight men and 60 different species in gay men. It was a health clinic, not sure what kind.

There are only a few of these that are going to get you sick: Giradiasis or Giardia, Ameobiasis or Amoebic dysyntery, and shigella or shigellosis.

There is also Hepatitis A. Gay men at least in the past experienced frequent big outbreaks of Hepatitis A in some of our big cities.

Almost no straight men get Hepatitis A heterosexually. I have never heard of Hepatitis A being transmitted heterosexually, but anything is possible. The problem once again is that the gay male pool is or was heavily infected with Hepatitis A. Further, many to most people who contract it never get it and just become carriers who can infect others. Straight people do not get Hepatitis A heterosexually probably just because the reservoir  is so clean. Few heterosexual people have Hepatitis A, so the reservoir is clean enough that your risk of getting it heterosexually is very low.

There are a few other diseases that can be transmitted this way like typhoid fever. Yes, there have been a few cases of Typhoid fever among gay men, but maybe only ~5 cases in the whole literature.

Most of the other things that can be transmitted this way are more or less harmless and are only a problem for the very young, the very old and the immunosuppressed such as people with HIV.

I did a huge lit search on parasites being transmitted sexually and only came up with 5-10 cases. However, those did occur in recent years. I think it was giardiasis. I still have the notes on that and I can turn it into a good post if I want to but I was afraid to do the post because I was afraid people would attack me for writing about this subject.

If you were going to get something this way from your girlfriend, you would have already gotten it by now due to all the exposure you already had to her. And it’s doubtful that she is a carrier of giardiasis, shigellosis or amoebiasis. After six months of living together, peoples gut bacteria tend to harmonize. What is really happening here is that after six months of living closely together, everyone has eaten enough of each other’s shit (in tiny miniscule amounts) so they all now have the same gut bacteria.

Really you are eating shit all the time, and not just figuratively like with me in my life. I mean literally. Even if you live alone, you are eating your own shit. Surely you are consuming tiny bits of your own shit on a regular basis.

It is sort of like life. The thing that your own shit is not a problem. It’s other people’s shit that is a problem. In other words, the problem is not you, it’s other people, which is my favorite saying.

As in life, so in the human gut.

You can probably even eat your own shit, though I would not recommend it. You might vomit, but you cannot catch a disease. The reason is simple and that is that you cannot catch a disease that you already have. I will leave you to think about that brainteaser a bit.

People like to go on and on about the horrible toxic deadly E. Coli that is found in our guts and our shit. The thing is that this E. Coli strain is pretty much harmless. Just keep it our of your vagina, your urinary tract and especially your blood. As I said, you can even eat shit that has E. Coli in it and nothing will happen except you might puke because it is so disgusting.

The problem here is confusion about strains. The E. Coli strain that causes this nasty outbreaks in humans, sickening and even killing some very young and very old, comes from cows. That’s the nasty strain. You get it from a cow. On farms, cows shit all over the place, so cow shit can get in irrigation water and then on crops, so this is how you might get it from food. Some of these outbreaks are coming from Mexico where farms are not so hygienic.

On the other hand though you can certainly catch a disease from eating other people’s shit but in most cases you probably will not, although I do not recommend going around eating other folks’ shit. It is not such a great idea.

Besides it’s gross. I mean really people, come on now.

I suppose if the commenter is going to lick his girlfriend’s ass, I would have her wash that area with soap and hot water well beforehand.