Seventeenth 9/11 Anniversary - Trump/Pence Speeches - Same Old Corporate Same Old

Posted on the 12 September 2018 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

chiming the sound of abject silence

how utterly fucking disgusting and cynical, mainslime media here in UK, I'm talking about BBC and SKY obvz, is regurgitating the time-worn corporate message of 19 so-called arabs flying two planes into three buildings and VOMIT HORROR BULLSHIT CONVLUTED HERO story later, I'm still as stunned as I am every fucking 9/11 anniversary.
How can the people who support this Corporate Conspiracy to Deceive and Delay Truth-finding with their mainstream news platforms sleep at night, knowing (or at least HEAVILY SUSPECTING) that the nonsense tale of hi-jacking and bullseye targeting of 'a pair of very thin buildings' at that speed and altitude by coccaine-arab pilots who were fucking shit in all their Cesna lessons the 3-letts paid for...
I'd like to start this post again, with less emotional vocabulary but you know what, "Fuck Political Correctness!" on this (and other false-flag) issue(s). Today's 17th Annivesary Pence speech was dog vomit. Today's 17th Annivesary Trump speech (what else did I expect, a pair of cojones?) was dog vomit. Same old shit as last same old shit masquerading as a mainstream media truth play of the crudest and most basic Neu Welt Ordnung aka New World Order. Hint: yes, we all paid for the 'financial crash of 2008'. Yes, we are shafted by the money-men at all turns, on all occasions.
Literally, common appreciation of the evidence is VIOLATED by this mainstream complicity with 'the accepted story' where 9/11 is concerned.