Seven Wants

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Howdy friends!  How is your Friday going so far?  It’s only 10 a.m. and I have been SUPER productive already so I have a feeling today is going to be a GREAT day!   So, we are going to continue on the Friday Feature of the 10 Day You Challenge.  Let’s go shall we?

 Day Four: Seven Wants

1. For Ashton to grow up to be a happy, well-adjusted, “successful” adult.   I hope that all of the things Robyn and I do to parent him to the best of our ability and his life experiences lead him to have a really happy life.  The successful part is all relative, will he be a Doctor, Lawyer, Scientist, Barista, Bus Driver? I have no idea, but it he is happy with his career and can provide for himself, I consider that successful.

2. To live a long, happy, healthy life with Robyn.

3. For my Mom to “beat the odds” and live to see Ashton grow up.  I only had one grandparent growing up (my Gram died 8 months before Ashton was born) and she was always a huge part of my childhood and adulthood and most of my significant memories in life include her.  I hope Ashton is lucky enough to have that relationship with my Mom too.

4. To always enjoy the work I am doing and who I work with.  I have been VERY fortunate to land in an industry that I enjoy.  Of course there are days when I wonder what I am doing (no job is perfect), but I feel like what I am doing is making a difference, I am always learning and being challenged and my co-workers are incredible.  I hope this is always the case.  We spend SO much of our time at work, I don’t think I could work somewhere and with people I didn’t like.

5. To always have enough money to live comfortably.  I know “comfortable” means something different to everyone, but for me it means being able to pay our monthly bills without worry, having money in the bank for emergencies, putting the appropriate amount of money aside for retirement, being able to go on yearly vacations and do weekend activities when we want to.  Basically, I want to choose to live frugally rather than have that forced upon me.

6. To always be able to find perspective, happiness and hope in every situation, even when bad things happen.

7. To be healthy enough to always be able to workout and chase my fitness goals.


Question of the day

Tell me one of your wants?  What’s on tap for you this weekend? Anyone racing?