[Simple Easter decorations hung outside by our neighbor.]
I've been looking over last year's Easter post and thinking about how things seem to be so different yet with the old familiarities. There was still plenty of pastel colors and chocolate involved, but no school and more errands to run. The weather was finally nice today (it's rained the last three Sundays) so we went for a hike and drank sweet tea on the porch. Also, wishing my mom the happiest birthday today! Read my tribute to her from last year's birthday here.
Here are seven things that made this Easter week especially bright. Hoppy Easter!
[Our turtle Franklin's new tank and bridge that's made him really happy.]
My parents visted on Wednesday and left us with full bellies, full pantry of groceries, full gas tank, and smiles. I can't tell you how much I enjoy my parents' company and how much I like them.
[Peeled orange slices are perfect for a midnight snack.]
[Thankfully, my mom still believes in the Easter bunny.]
My boss was on vacation this week, and although I got a lot done, I got to work less than normal. Which is always nice.
[The hike we took Sunday was in and around these little lake coves.]