Seven Things i Am Thankful for This Mother's Day

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1
Wishing a Very Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there- you guys ROCK !
When I say 'You Rock', I am entirely referring to the hard-like-rock side of you. The side of you that is strong, determined and dedicated. The side of you that strives to make life better for your child, your husband and your family, no matter what the situations are. Motherhood ain't easy and nobody said that ever. I am happy that today is Mother's Day- a day when the whole world salutes and thanks all Mothers, which I believe should be done everyday, irrespective. Thanks to the world of materialism, where everything is superficial and done merely per comfort. 
Anyways, this is our day- Mother's day. Today my child will thank me, make me a card, write me a poem and probably take me out for a fancy brunch and I wouldn't want it any other way. But it’s never been a holiday that I really stopped and gave much thought to as far as what is means to me. It is sad coz I love being a mother and there are a lot of things I'm always thankful for including....
- I am thankful for my child who is healthy, who is smart, who is growing. Without her I wouldn't have been a MOM, a nurse, a driver, a coach, a teacher and all the shoes I fill in today. When I see parents with a physically challenged child or a child with some chronic illness and the hardships they have to go through, my heart goes out to them, but I look up to God and thank him for keeping us all healthy.

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- I am thankful for a husband who is caring, loving and works hard for us to be able to enjoy little and big things in life. Without him I wouldn't have been a WIFE, a buddy and a lover. I am thankful he is there, my security blanket, my guardian, my friend, my advisor who has loved me unconditionally and I know he always will.
- I am thankful for my family, who I can look up to whenever I need them. Without them I wouldn't have been a Daughter, a sister, an aunt and even a granny. They are far, but still close. I know they will always be there for me, no matter what. They are my support system without which life would have been a wreck.
- I am thankful for my friends, who I call family here. They are my sister, my friend, my guide, my ally, any relationship that a girl needs, my friends are always there arming me.
- I am thankful for the blogger tribe, the small group of friends I have made since I started blogging. Had they not been here, blogging would have been boring. I have learn't so much from them. Without them I wouldn't have known the secrets of this trade. So, cheers to you all!
- I am thankful for those hugs and kisses that I get showered with everyday, for all that hollering,  door slamming, tantrums and cold wars that goes around in the house. Without these life would have actually been unadventurous. Not that we are the Adam's family, I'm pretty sure you all can relate to this.
- I am thankful to me, myself and my very existence. Life would have not been like it is today, happy and content, had I not believed in myself. I am thankful to myself for taking care of the institution we call 'BODY'. I am thankful to myself for keeping my calm and composure in good and in distress. I am thankful to my conscience for the enlightenment and direction. It is said that " Men make houses, but it's the Woman who makes a house a HOME " and I am thankful to myself for making our new house the Home we always longed for.
So, set everything aside, enjoy your day and have a fun time with friends and family!
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