Seven Point Eight:
The most powerful number in the universe.
The number that connects everything.A long time ago, our ancestors lived in a very different worldfrom the one we inhabit today. We understood the language of the Earth, the stars, the sky people and we knew of the Number. This was a moment known as The First Time.But over time, we forgot all of this and the wisdom of the Number was lost too. We walked through life asleep, ignorant of the truth.Yet we retain a deep and hidden memory of everything that we ever were. There lies within us the hope that one day, we can re-connect with the language of the Earth, the stars, the sky people and the wisdom of the Number. The moment has arrived for The Second Time.It is time to wake up. (Synopsis via GoodReads)Marie Harbon is the author of this science fiction/fantasy paranormal thriller that is sure to please readers and delight lovers of the fantastical and mind-bending. I originally was planning to do an interview with Marie for this post, but that didn't quite pan out (alas!), so I'm featuring it instead! I don't generally read science fiction, or science fantasy for that manner, but this title sounds pretty cool. And I have to admit: I really like the cover art. Take a minute to check out Marie's book and visit her website!