SETTLEMENT HOUSE GIRL Book Launch in Minneapolis and Camp Bovey 75th Celebration

By Carolinearnoldtravel @CarolineSArnold

Book launch of SETTLEMENT HOUSE GIRL at ESNS. Photo of Les Scheaffer, ESNS Director 1948-1966.

I was pleased to have a good crowd at my book launch of SETTLEMENT HOUSE GIRL a week ago Thursday (April 18th) at East Side Neighborhood Services in Minneapolis. Many thanks to everyone who came. And thanks to my husband Art for being my official photographer!

Gathering for the program at ESNS.

As people arrived I had the chance to chat and, in some cases, catch up on more than seventy years of memories! Some people there were connected to Camp Bovey, others from my grade schools (Holland and Windom) and junior high (Ramsey) and high school (Washburn.) Some of the attendees were from the surrounding Northeast neighborhood, including some from Margaret Barry House, the other settlement house in Northeast Minneapolis, started about the same time as North East Neighborhood House (1915). Margaret Barry House and North East Neighborhood House merged in 1963 under the direction of my father and became East Side Neighborhood Services.Both the Margaret Barry building and the North East Neighborhood House building have now been converted to apartments and the ESNS programs have moved to a new building down the street at 1700 Second Street Northeast.

Books for sale.

The event was held in the large meeting room at ESNS where tables and chairs had been set up along with refreshments (cookies and cake), a table for book sales, another table for Camp Bovey special 75th anniversary t-shirts and sweatshirts, and a kids craft table.  

75th Camp Bovey anniversary t-shirts.

Many thanks to Mary Anstett, Lindsay Walz, Inge Melius, and Debi Krause for coordinating the book and shirt sales, and for making sure that everything ran smoothly. All proceeds from the sales went to support Camp Bovey. A reporter from the Northeaster Newspaper came to take notes and will include his report in the May 1 issue. The April 17 issue of the paper featured an excellent article about the history of Camp Bovey and plans for the coming summer and anniversary celebration.

Presentation and reading of book.

I had created a rotating slide show depicting the 75 years of Camp Bovey’s history and that played on the screen while people gathered. Then, after introductions by Mary and Lindsay, I gave a talk (with more slides) about the creation of my book, followed by reading one of the Camp Bovey chapters from my book. I then opened it up to questions from the audience. I was glad to find people were so interested! And finally, as people lined up for their turn, I signed books that they had purchased.

Autographing books.

It was a very busy evening and I wish there had been more time to chat longer with each and every one of the people who came. 


Since last Thursday, I have heard from numerous people, and they all say that my book has brought back many of their own memories.I am glad. One of the reasons I wrote the book is to write those memories down and keep them from getting lost. They are my memories, but they are also part of Northeast Minneapolis history.

Display of Camp Bovey and Hodag memories.