Serving It Up… Christmas Treats: Birmingham’s German Market!

By Joseph Harrison @JTAH_1990

No, I'm not being funny but we are trying to hold on to any scrap of Christmas right now! Boris and his wicked ways, don't get me started because nothing would come between my Frankfurt German Christmas Market in Birmingham! The overpriced 'Glühwein' might have been served to me in a paper cup but it tasted like Christmas, that much was true! Plan B? No! Are you sure? 

Birmingham, as great as it was to see you on that December 2021 afternoon I still felt my location should not have been England! Give me a Chinese New Year decorated pedestrian street with red coloured lanterns and caricature of the respected Chinese Zodiac, but it was to be Birmingham with a serving of Christmas on the side. 2020 had robbed us of any kind of Christmas Market due to increased measures, not going to lie that made no sense when those MP's were enjoying their not so socially distanced 'business meeting' with wine and cheese. Cut to 2021, the Frankfurt Christmas Market had been promised to roll back into Birmingham for the festive period. If truth be told, being back in England has had its perks, I absolutely wanted to visit that New Street and Victoria Square based European festive market. Seeing people enjoying themselves felt correct, people have been royally messed about so Christmas would continue for us 'regargless!' Let the people have a bit of fun, let us live our lives! Come on, Boris! 

New Street was very busy, people were loving the Christmas Market as they rightly were supposed to! Eating up their 'Bratwurst' hotdogs and drinking those questionably priced pints of 'German Beer', I loved the spirit of the people! I already knew people would've been building a barricade if those government forces tried to take that brief moment of snatched Christmas joy away from us! If we want to break out those 'Les Misérables' numbers because sure as hell, Boris would be hearing the people do more than sing! The lights and the smells from the stalls gave me all of those necessary aromas, being back out at my first Christmas Market in Birmingham since 2013 felt correct! Serving it up in the best way, I didn't feel the need to spend much money, I swerved away from the same craft stalls because three wooden outlets were all selling the same products. I loved that Christmassy moment but my money will be spent on Etsy. I'm not being shady, my budget has been strapped so cash needed to be saved for a 'Crêpe' later on. Go on, B! 

Rewinding backwards a little, I had brushed shoulders with Birmingham's Frankfurt German Market two weeks previous to that early December 2021 moment. During that previous visit to Birmingham it was all about going to the theatre, the market would be around for a bit longer so that was fine. Captured above is Birmingham's Victoria Square, that main city plaza had all the trappings of the festive period, sure it made me feel more Christmassy! At that moment the afternoon light didn't allow those sparkling lights to shine bright enough for my liking, returning back to that spot just a few hours later did the trick for my photography! Sure as I might, spending another Christmas in the UK wasn't on my radar, embracing these uncertain times allowed me to enjoy the Christmas nature of the market. Birmingham had me back where she wanted me once again, each time I try to leave it's not long before I find myself back! That b*tch 'Omicron' threatens our Xmas, the perfect excuse to use to cover up those three secret parties!  

2020's lack of a Christmas nature had me feeling those feels, 2019 took me to New York City during that December seasonal period. Birmingham during 2021 helped me reconnect with that NYC festive period, a moment in time that resembled normality. I might sound like a broken record but after the years worth of Lockdowns experienced, just being out of the house at the Christmas Market allowed me to feel a higher level of appreciation. With the best of intentions, I really don't want to find myself at Birmingham's Frankfurt German Market in 2022 because that won't impress me much! In another sense, that 2013 student nostalgia came flooding back during that 2021 visit to Birmingham. I can remember leaving a lecture during the middle of the week, then myself and a former friend Lyndsey both walked into town to the market. Choosing during 2021 to visit the market on a Thursday fared to be a wise choice, no way would I ever be seen dead there at the weekend because those crowds during these times would be a big no, no!  

After having a Wetherspoon's meal, it was definitely time for a chocolate sweet treat from one of the German themed stalls. In retrospect I should have taken a photo of my Mulled Wine and Chocolate Nutella 'Crêpe' but such is life, I didn't. Watching my somewhat moderately priced sweet treat being cooked was an experience, we have been so far removed from being part of our dining choices it was nice to be part that moment. Every little really helps during these Corona days, I am counting my blessings for sure. My market treat tasted great, it was genuinely nice to be having a chocolate treat, definitely it's about the simpler things sometimes. Birmingham came through with the market and those Christmas bites had me feeling thankful for that time spent at the market because 2021 didn't start in the best way with the added uncertainty as New Year's Eve approaches us. Having these markets back across the UK have been just the ticket, 2020 stole that from us without asking our permission! That 'Crêpe' was well worth it! Sure, BB! 

Birmingham's Frankfurt German Market took me there, to that feeling of festiveness without the feeling of anxiety that surrounds the current madness. If truth be told, Manchester had presented its own Christmas Market but I was saving myself for Birmingham because I'm nice like that! Absolutely, if my current financial situation mirrored that of when I was in China, please believe me when I say I would have been unstoppable within regards to eating and drinking everything at the Birmingham Frankfurt German Market. I sincerely hope that 2022 brings me back the Christmas holiday overseas from my destined China Mainland base, I will keep this Birmingham day firm in my mind. So, Boris better not curb our freedoms anymore than he has done already, this COVID purgatory really needs to up and leave for good! I'm not joking, b*tch! Birmingham, thank you for your Christmas Market and much needed festive cheer because we all need it right about now! Plan C? No, Boris! Eh! I already know that you'll have Dianne Whatcock banging on your Number 10, Downing Street door! Christmas, come through! 


Joseph Harrison