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There is a theme to a lot of my blogging – besides of course People Skills – and maybe because of People Skills – which I think of less as technique and more as character.
The theme is thinking – when we think, reflect and ponder – answers come, realizations happen, shifts occur and it’s magical.
We do better with people – those people skills again – when we know, trust and love ourselves. That’s the first order of business for a person – because we cannot give what we do not have.
Do you know, trust and love yourself?
It’s taken me quite awhile (and I’m not done yet) to get to a place where I do – and now it’s simple to know, trust and love almost everyone I meet, work with and serve.
Katherine Logan once said this, “There is always hope for an individual who stops to do some serious thinking about life.”
Today – when will you do a bit of serious thinking? It could be the most important thing you do!
You Create Your Day by the way You Think! Be Present!
Go make it a Magnificent Day!
Blessings, Shawna