September Round Up

Posted on the 30 September 2020 by Booksocial

A round up of all we have read, written and obtained in September.

What we have read in September

We kicked off the month with Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Similar yet different to 1984 and Brave New World, we’ve now read them all and would love to know which one you liked the best.

We finally watched AND read Normal People by Sally Rooney this month. It’s a difficult decision to say which one we preferred as they were both a bit special.

The Children Act by Ian McEwan provoked outrage with its opening when a High Court Judge’s husband announced he was going to have an affair before he became too old to have one. It’s a beautiful book that packs a lot into its brief pages – a Book Social recommend!

Puddin’ by Julie Murphy is the follow on from the very good Dumplin’. We missed Willowdean at first but loved its demand that the world be ok with body image. A good read for teens and adults alike.


We continued the TV theme by reading Lethal White by Robert Galbraith this month. Hot off the heels of it being shown on telly the book provided a lot more detail than the series although could have done with a couple of less pages.

Humour was the theme of my book club this month so Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons was read. Whilst not quite being laugh out loud it was a feel good kind of book with a very happy ending.

My Sister the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite was our last read for the month and boy what a way to finish. Braithwaite effortlessly demonstrates why less is more, a lesson a few more established authors could do with learning.

Books of the Month for September

Our adult book of the month was thriller The Chain by Adrian McKinty. What would you do if a stranger kidnapped your child and the only way of getting them back was to kidnap someone else’s?

Where the World Ends by Geraldine McCaughrean was our children’s book of the month and had us wondering whether we could have survived on a rock, in winter, in the middle of the sea.

Read of the month for September

Goes to….. My Sister The Serial Killer. Normal People was fab but new, fresh and packing so much into so little space means Braithwaite pips it.

My Sister the Serial Killer

What we got up to in September

We gave you a book lovers tour around Edinburgh and had a look at why a Costa Award doesn’t necessarily mean coffee…

What we obtained in September

HAMNET. I got it at last and am so looking forward to reading it!

Don’t forget to let us know what you have been up to book wise this month. Our next Book Club is the 22nd October and we would love you to join us. Keep your eyes peeled for the #Lowdown all about our new book in the next few days.