Sept. 23 – Sept. 30 – Week for the Wild: Call out for Solidarity Actions

Posted on the 17 September 2014 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

by Eco-Punk!

We have made our way on foot over the jagged peaks of doug fir nation and across to the rainshadowed sagebrush, juniper and ponderosa country. We pass landscapes that have been disturbed by cows and sheep brought over to denude the land. Their grazing style, their manure, and their water habits are foreign to this place. Instead of enriching the land and fitting into the web of life, they break it down – poisoning the water, destroying the native plants and displacing indigenous species like elk and antelope and their predators, who all fill niches here. Cows and sheep? Well, they may fill dinner plates but their presence puts into jeopardy the health of entire ecosystems.

As we push forward into the heart of wolf-killing territory, we ask that our domesticated and rewilding brothers and sisters, wherever they are, stand with us for our wild family.

Pass the call-out along to your networks.

During the week of Sept. 23rd to Sept. 30th, consider these options and take action with your friends and families:

  • learn about which wild animals and plants shouldbe living in your community and work to bring them back through your local watershed group. If there isn’t one, start it!
  • boycott all palm oil products…that includes Nutella (Why?) Find oils that are produced locally.
  • talk to your friends and family members who trophy hunt about respecting the wild
  • find your local federal fish and wildlife office and stage a protest for handing out trophy hunting permits
  • slip literature about respecting the wild into trophy hunting magazines (check about local legality of this one!)
  • meet Indigenous elders in your community and ask them how you can help. Turtle Island’s Indigenous people, for 520 years, have been fighting the same kind of colonial mindset that continues to destroy the wild.
  • Refuse to support the zoo and instead take children to sanctuaries or the local wild places and discuss what native animals and plants are there or should be there

Don’t forget to leave a comment and let us know that you’re taking a stand with us!