SEOJet Review : Best Link Management Software For Your SEO Needs

Posted on the 01 November 2017 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

As a blogger or an online entrepreneur who focuses solely on the success of their blogs and websites, one thing that is very highly recommended and needs a lot of effort for making it big is getting ranked in search results.

This one factor is the No.1 driving force that attracts viewers and customers to your website and as a direct result determines the popularity and reputation of your website. Higher is your ranking in search results, the more likely you will be to attract more and more audiences to your website. Getting ranked in search results always enables the audiences to trust your website more over other ones.

The logic behind this is very simple. Users are always more likely to click on the websites that show up in the top 5 positions of the search results for the particular keywords searched for. The search results shown are ranked on the basis of what the particular search engine (Google, Yahoo!, bing, etc.) considers most relevant for its users. This is what is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Due to the growing importance of SEO in the Internet world today, online bloggers, entrepreneurs and influencers are regularly in search for effective and trustworthy solutions that would help them get higher ranked by search engines. So today I am writing this article to tell you about an SEO service called SEOJet that will efficiently help position your website among the top in search engine results.

But before we get on with SEOJet, let me quickly give you a little description about SEO, since that what it is ultimately all about.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

As mentioned in the introduction of this article, SEO plays the most crucial part in the success and reputation of your website. SEO is the process of getting traffic to your website from the search engine results. It doesn't matter whether you own a website, blog or online store, or are planning to build any, SEO can help you grow your business effectively and meet the business objectives.

SEO plays a major role in building a website's reputation and for its social promotion as well. Users who find your website through search engines like Google or Yahoo are more likely to promote it on various social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Importance of SEO

The Internet is the field for online competition and when it comes to websites and blogs, rivalries with other websites following the same niche is inevitable.

In such situation, SEO can put your website right ahead of your competitor. Suppose there are two websites, competing in the same niche and promoting the same product or service, the website that is search engine optimized (SEO) is more likely to attract customers, dish out more sales and earn a better profit than the other.

What is SEOJet?

Now that we are done with the basic outline of SEO and why it is important, let's get on with SEOJet.

SEOJet is simply a link management software that can help you easily and effectively build out No.1 rank link profiles for your website or any of the pages you care about. As a basic function, the software builds link maps for all of your pages, analyses them and tells you which links to get next to compete with other No.1 ranking link profiles.

SEOJet: Highlight features

Now let me give you a quick and brief list down of the highlight features of SEOJet that really make this software one of the best in its competition today.

Build SEO power pages

SEOJet's unique link building tool helps you easily build SEO power pages. SEO is no longer a matter of building links for key phrases. It's all about building trust with Google and other recognized search engines on your homepage, SEO power pages and other important pages that dominate rankings for any topic.

All you need to do is enter your important SEO pages and the SEOJet server will analyze and give you link maps to build No.1 ranked link profiles. Another good thing is that SEOJet makes sure your link profile is 100% natural and no page is left behind. They efficiently let you know which pages to link to next.

Link mapping strategy

SEOJet link building tool also provides you specific link building strategies for each power page as a part of their link mapping framework. This will save valuable time in building links for the power page you are trying to promote.

SEOJet researchers from over thousands of links from #1 ranked websites on Google and crafts you the appropriate link map for your website. These link maps will guide you in building your own No.1 ranked link profile.

Organic growth

The growth through the rankings is quick and organic. Once you build out the links map templates created by the SEOJet service, you will notice your rankings across the board increase effectively.

Previous records have shown that customers who use SEOJet link maps have seen results with 90% fewer links than the other top ranked websites.

Also, read:

Advantages of SEOJet

SEOJet will make your link building efforts easier than ever. With the help of their effective and accurate tools, you will always know exactly what anchor text you should use. The SEOJet server will map it out as you build your links.

The link profile built for you by the SEOJet server will be completely natural and effective. You can also easily know which page to link to next, so the important pages of your website will never get neglected.

Their server will also alert you if your link profile is starting to look unnatural and give you guidance on how to fix it.

SEOJet: Plans and Pricing

SEOJet offers a list of 3 different plans to choose from according to your budget and requirements. Each of these plans is priced differently and has a different set of features

Small Business

  • Price: $49 per month
  • Link management for up to 3 websites
  • Limited to only 1 user
  • Unlimited link maps
  • Priority Email support
  • Free updates


  • Price: $99 per month
  • Link management for up to 25 websites
  • Limited to only 3 users
  • Unlimited link maps
  • Priority Email support
  • Free updates


  • Price: $299 per month
  • Link management for up to 100 websites
  • Limited to only 10 users
  • Unlimited link maps
  • Priority Email support + Priority phone support
  • Free updates

Visit the SEOJet official website to learn more about their services, features, plans, pricing and more.


Honestly, I have worked with a lot of SEO solutions and services, but very few of them actually managed to deliver the object around which they were built. SEOJet is one such lone software which I found to get closest to the goal of effective search engine optimization.

The advantages of the software are many and very negligible flaws. The overall software and its tools are effective and efficient. Even the 3 plans they offer are genuinely priced and will suit your pocket.

Altogether, SEOJet is one such software that you should go for if you are looking for promising SEO results and higher rankings in search results.