SEO Plugin Yoast Makes SEO Easy For Your Blog

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Why the SEO Plugin Yoast Makes SEO Easy For You Now

I know many of you struggle with SEO so I wanted to share this great tool with you. Since SEO has changed dramatically over the past few years alone it's been hard to keep up. So why be frustrated with SEO when you have a lot to do for your blog or website? The SEO Plugin Yoast really can help make your blogging tasks easier. As a result I recently upgraded to their Premium version. It has made SEO easier for me to manage here. My dog Hunter hasn't a care in the world. Now we all can rest like him.
5 Reasons Why You Should Have The SEO Plugin Yoast for Your Blog Click To Tweet

5 Reasons Why You Should Have the SEO Plugin Yoast

1. You Will Write Better Copy.

Yoast SEO Plugin helps you write copy better. The plugin rates your writing and it gives you ideas to make your copy better with a readability score. Yet with the Free version it has this functionally too. It's easier and better with the premium as you can have more than 1 keyword to rank for with the premium version.

If you tend to write long sentences or you don't use enough transition words in your content the seo Yoast plugin lets you know. You will see red dots vs. green dots. There are orange dots in between. You want to see all green dots when you finish a post. After you write new posts for a few months you will barely need to look at their score. Consequently having the readability score is great way to reference your writing from time to time.

2. You Will Link Better.

The seo plugin Yoast will also let you know if you need to link out or in. They will give you link suggestions along the way. Link structure internally and linking out to quality sites is a quality score of Google that you cannot afford to miss out on.

3. Your Social Shares Will Look Better Every Time.

Have you ever shared your blog post on Facebook to just see the image and no text? Now with this seo Yoast plugin you will be able to preview your posts and avoid mistakes.

4. Better Content - You Will Get Insights from Yoast.

This content insights feature of the seo Yoast plugin is only available for the premium version. Yoast give you words and phrases to see if you are writing about the right content. Of course you may still want to do your own research for your keywords. I love using Google Trends to see what is trending and up and coming on a topic. Keywords are really an important seo ranking factor to being found online today with so much competition. Thousands of people are trying to get to the top of the search engines with multiple keywords. Therefore this tool will really help you keep you on your topic throughout the post. You know how some people tend to ramble on? Yoast plugin will not allow you to ramble.

5. SEO Yoast Plugin Does the Technical Stuff for You.

Now this one feature of Yoast you will love. I could spend hours trying to figure out the technical stuff that comes with blogging, yet with the Yoast seo plugin it's done for me. The latest technical stuff I was reading about was on structured data from Neil Patel.

Neil is one of the top savy bloggers and I knew I had to use structured data but how? He recommended another plugin for it. Hence I learned my new Yoast SEO premium plugin had it built in. Phew, one less thing to do or purchase. Thank you Yoast! Most of all you may enjoy the time this yoast seo plugin saves you doing technical work.

Furthermore Yoast can also edit your robots right from WordPress instead of via FPT on your site's root directly. You know how complicated that can be. As a result of doing it on my own I almost lost the website until Hostgator got me back up and live. Remember to always backup before making changes to your website or blog.

What Else Can the SEO Yoast Plugin Do For You?

Redirects - Another way to simplify SEO for you is doing redirects. You can do the redirects right from your WordPress site with the premium seo Yoast plugin. You automatically get a request to redict the URL when you delete a post or page. It is integrated with the Google Search Console. Consequently this feature of the SEO plugin Yoast really keeps your site fresh and seo friendly with Google and the other major search engines.

RSS Enhancements - The Yoast SEO plugin allows you to add content to the beginning or end of your posts. This allows linking back to your blog or to your blog post itself.

Parmalink Cleanup - Yoast takes care of this for you too. So you can be sure all your content is found under the correct URL. Yoast takes care of url's when one someone else creates or adds to the end of your URL making it look different and giving you duplicate content issues.

Premium Support - Most noteworthy 24/7 support is available for the Premium version of Yoast plugin. That's a bonus I really love to have. If you run into any difficulties they are there to help you out. I know without the premium version I've had good customer service from Yoast.

Bonus With Premium Yoast Plugin

There are no ads in the Yoast premium version. Therefore no more clicking off their ads in the dashboard. The cost for their premium version is $69/yr per site.

In conclusion I do recommend this premium plugin for your WordPress website or blog. Yoast seo plugin makes it much easier for you to maintain your site and gives you more confidence in doing SEO correctly. There are no affiliates for Yoast and I am not being paid for this review.

Yoast SEO plugin makes it easier for you to maintain your site & giving you confidence with SEO. Click To Tweet

Maybe you too already use this plugin. I'd love to know more in the comments if you have used the free or premium version of Yoast seo plugin or if you use another one on your blog.

Are you finding SEO harder to do today than before or not?

Seo Dice Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at