SEO Link Building - How To Build a Successful Link Profile

Posted on the 17 August 2017 by David Mark @Ataghan_micheal
Link building is very important in other to get high ranking in the search engine and it still one of the best way to use your time when running your SEO campaign. Today am going to share with you how to build a successful link profile so that you don't get penalized by google and get the best possible ranking in the search engine.

Let Get Started

1. Proper Anchor Text Link

The first thing you want to remember when starting any type of link building campaign, whether it's external link building from other site or internal link building, is that you want to use a proper anchor text when linking to those pages. An anchor link is the blue highlighting text that you can click on that takes you from that link to the page where you are linking too.

When creating your anchor text link it's important to give google and the other search engine what that link is all about, so for that reason it really important to include your keyword in the anchor text link. 

The one thing that I alway try to do when building a link back to my site is, I want to make sure that the anchor text link matches the title tag on the page. Let say on my home page my title tag is SEO, so when I have a link come from another 3rd party site I want to make sure that in that link/anchor text I have the word SEO.

When google come to the 3rd party site where you get your link from, google says ok am going to follow that link, the page that I arrive on should have something to do with SEO.

2. Randomized Anchor Text Links

If you don't want to get penalized by google and you want to get the high ranking, is to randomize your link anchor text. I will not want to build a thousand backlink to my page that just said SEO, I may want to have a link that said SEO tips, SEO consultant, SEO for beginners, SEO for business, am very sure you get the point.

you need to randomize that text so you are not constantly using the same in your anchor text over and over again, that is a sure sign to google that you are trying to manipulate the search engine in other to the SEO page to rank for that terms.

Always remember to randomize your keyword in your anchor text link, you can mix in with couple of clicks HERE, maybe 3 to 5% click here or a different link that doesn't have your keyword, that would look more natural to the search engine, a lot of people would link to your site that says click here.

That is why I always recommend having keyword in domain name because the domain name of my site has the keyword SEO and anytime someone link to my site through my URL, those keywords are already in that link. So that is another good reason to have a keyword in your URL.

3. Build Deeplink To Your Internal Web-Pages

Take a look at the image

Another thing to remember is to build a deep internal link to your other sub pages. For example, Let say my home page is optimized for SEO and then I have the category pages is called SEO for business, SEO tool, SEO tips, and in my anchor text am gonna have seo for business, SEO tool, SEO tips. 

And am also going to build links to this internal pages again following the same rule we just talk about of using good anchor text and then randomizing to those pages, and then like wise on my sub pages I have title tag as shown in the image

Those are the three things to keep in mind when building links to your website and creating a successful links profile for your website to get the high possible ranking.