SEO Hacks That Will Change The Way The World Sees Your New Website

Posted on the 19 January 2017 by Kharim Tomlinson @KharimTomlinson

"Hacks" are the new trends on the internet. Till the New Year's Eve, we have mostly entertained ourselves with several life-hacks and party-hacks. Now it is time for some real hacks that will help us boost our SEO this new year.

It is all about welcoming and embracing the new trends of 2017 and saying goodbye to quite a few obsolete trends that riddle your website SEO right now.

How to understand it's time for a change?

  1. You are producing content but people aren't noticing it.
  2. You are not feeling loved by Google and Yahoo search engines anymore.
    When you type relevant keywords as search words on Google, your website does not rank on the first page of search results.
    Website analytics shows a low CTR and high bounce rate.

These are a few telltale signs that you need to switch up your SEO game this year.

How to create a new game plan without devising a new SEO budget?

Getting a new budget for SEO and digital marketing can be really difficult if you have just started out. Here are a few ways of ensuring that you engage the crowd and your followers always find you on the very first page of Google search results without spending a dime extra on your SEO plan -

  1. Include social content -research from Impact b&d shows, almost 76% of the marketers use social media to leverage their SEO. Social media promotions are usually free, and getting the right social influencer can get one post across at least a hundred-thousand users at a time.
  2. Videos are the kings of marketing -videos will still rule the market in 2017. Videos make up for almost 62% of all Google searches, as per a recent study conducted by Marketing Lands. Videos might be your way out of plummeting CTR as including videos increases the CTR by at least 41%.
    Welcome mobile friendly sites -current research shows that Google is favoring all native apps and mobile optimized sites over desktop websites. Today, 80% of all consumers use mobile phones and 70% of those lead to online actions within 60 minutes. Most of the mobile site users search for local listings and information that is directly listed by Google.
  1. Optimize your site for local listing -when you offer a unique business in your locality be sure to mention that on your website. This will help Google take notice of your website and list it under relevant categories of Google's business directory.
  2. Optimize for voice search -voice assistants are a reality that is making web searches and app listing much easier for Android, Windows and iOS users. Right now, even Domino's has a voice ordering feature. Voice search is most commonly used to search for addresses and ask for directions. So, if you have a land-based business location it will be especially beneficial for you to couple your online location with your physical location.

These 5 steps are the key to a successful SEO and engaged audience. If you want your blog and website to get noticed amidst a clutter of successful and not-so-successful websites, you need to invest a little extra. And when it is not in form of capital, it should be pioneering SEO strategies.

Author bio: Derek Iwasiuk runs a national digital search engine optimization firm headquartered in Minneapolis. He also spends a lot of his free time educating the minds of thousands of young SEO's and top agencies. To gain from his in-depth SEO experience, you can check out his articles at Engage the Crowd or follow him on twitter @Diwasiuk