Sensory Play: Straw Posting

By Sjay235 @naturalmommainm
Sensory Play: Straw PostingI have been meaning to give Isabelle the tools for a little activity like this for a very long time, but I wasn't confident her fine motor skills would be developed enough before Christmas.
After ending up with lots of left over straws during our 50 active days challenge, I dumped them into the sink of Isabelle's play kitchen where they were soon joined by some pom poms, and they have been scooped and played with lots ever since.
However, I wanted to use them again for something a bit more meaningful and after salvaging the sprinkles jar from our chocolate playdough cupcake activity I thought I could put them together for this little activity. It's not something I gave a specific time for, it's something I remind Isabelle of at various points during the day if she looks like her interest in whatever she is doing at the kitchen is waning.
It's simple - she pops the straws into the holes of the sprinkles jar.
That's it.
Great for fine motor skills, hand eye coordination and her concentration. She also loves trying to shake them back out again and this would be a great busy bag activity to take along for a toddler, especially as it takes up barely any space at all.
Hardly earth shattering stuff, but a really simple little activity to while away a few minutes here and there and work on a little person's very important fine motor skills.
Sensory Play: Straw Posting
Sensory Play: Straw Posting