Sens Uniques in the 18th: So Nice to Have Another Nice Place So Near.

By Johntalbott

Sens Uniques in the 18th, is, along with the Table d'Eugene and Le Clocher de Montmartre, a wonderful addition to our neighborhood.  Even on a weekend the 21 E 3-course formula is available as well as the 3-course suggestions of the day "menu" and an even larger carte of "Summer" at a bit more money; the point being, there are lots of choices.

M. the chauffeur/pilot had the chicken with avocado salad and the three rest of us the sauteed gambas with chopped celery and Granny Smiths.

Then, he, continuing his carnivorian string, had the faux-filet with fries whilst we all had the daurade with a ton of nicely al dente shaved veggies.

Finally two of us had the duo of cheeses and two, the Jaconde biscuit with lemon cream.

Our bill, with two bottles of just-right temperatured, food-accompanied and justly-priced wine, no bottled water, OK bread and 4 coffees our bill was 134 E for 4 = 78 E per couple.