Senior Year Update 2 // Rivalry Weekend + College Apps

By Lostbutnotfound @lostbutntfound

         Senior year has been undoubtedly been the busiest yet most exciting of my high school years. While my year abroad was evidently nine months of a travel wanderlust dream, this year has been both enjoyable and beyond stressful. With the early decision and early action deadline having just passed, everyone is in a sort of waiting game limbo until decisions come out. And while we wait for those decisions, we must keep up with actual school work and write OTHER supplements for regular decision. I guess the whole "senior year is a breeze!" thing only happens once we get into college. This past weekend was a nice distraction, with my school's annual rivalry weekend against The Lawrenceville School. It is always such a fun-filled weekend, with athletics, a pep rally, a bonfire, and general school spirit. However, we have exams next week, and exam week is the only thing standing between Thanksgiving break and me. Send your prayers for me during my last exam week, ever (!!) I've said this in a few posts on social media at this point, but I am so so sorry for not posting basically at all this school year. I honestly barely have time for my school work, let alone college apps, let alone blogging. But with Thanksgiving break starting November 20, you should look out for a slew of posts during that time. Thanks again for being so understanding. <3 How have you all been? Leave me a comment and I'll get back to you ASAP! xoxo Isabelle 
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