I’ve been craving (and eating) all things sweet last month thanks to junior burger, so when Pure Glow Cleanse approached me to do a 3-day cold-pressed juice detox I thought it would be a fab idea.
Pure Glow Cleanse started in April 2013 when there were no cold-pressed juice cleanse detox delivery companies operating in Perth. Founders, Jacqueline and Annette who were both pretty big wellness, health & green smoothie lovers, were constantly seeing pictures on blogs & Instagram of amazing juice cleanses available in the Eastern States and America and thought why not Perth? They thought “The people of Perth deserve to get radiant, nourished & glowing as much as any other city, and so Pure Glow Cleanse was born”.
Pure Glow Cleanse have had a couple of pregnant women complete their cleanse and these were the tips they had provided me prior to my three day detox:
- Eat some extra fruit and raw vegetables if you feel lightheaded or foggy at all (quite common on days 1 & 2), as well as a small, unprocessed/healthy evening meal.
- Feel free to have some extra fruit, nuts, and steamed vegetables throughout your cleanse as required.
- A small, healthy meal whenever you feel the need is completely fine.
- Our juices are unpasteurised so there are no preservatives in them and they are a raw food.
- Our produce is not all organic, however we wash everything with a natural fruit & veggie wash prior to juicing and refrigerate and jar it all straight away and operate out of a council approved factory facility.
After speaking to my sister-in-law who was concerned for me drinking unpasteurised juice and hearing from another friend that aloe can cause bleeding and all the unfavourouble forum discussions I found online, I decided not to do the cleanse even though I’m sure it would have been perfectly fine. I also spoke to my obstetrician for a professional opinion who said it was fine to do a juice cleanse as long as I was comfortable with the juicing hygiene processes but if I had any worries, not to do it just for peace of mind. So my mom who loves her juices was pretty excited when I asked her to do the Pure Cleanse Detox for me.
My mom shares her Pure Glow Cleanse experience and how she went with drinking 18 cold-pressed juices, smoothies & nut milks below.
- What was your detox goal? My Pure Cleanse Detox intention was to lose some weight to fit into clothes I like.
- Were you hungry?
- 1st day – no
- 2nd day – yes (by lunch time)
- 3rd day – yes (by early afternoon)
- Did you feel tired on any of the days?
- Day 1 – Had energy during the day, even mowed the lawns. By the end of the day I felt tired.
- Day 2 – Early afternoon started to feel tired, a bit dizzy & had a bit of an headache.
- Day 3 – I didn’t have to do any physical work (gardening) that day so although I lacked energy, I didn’t have any headaches or dizziness from Day 2.
- How were the Pure Glow Cleanse juices?
- #1 Sunrise Elixir (lemon, cucumber, aloe and filtered water) was light, refreshing and tangy. Certainly woke me up!
- #2 Glowing Greens (kale, cos, cucumber, celery, apple, pear, avocado, parsley and lemon) was thick and filling. This kept me full until the afternoon!
- #3 Green Guru (kale, cos, celery, cucumber, apple, pear, parsley & lemon) was light and refreshing.
- #4 Good Karma (carrot, lemon, apple, ginger, tumeric and grapefruit) was light, sweet and refreshing.
- #5 Buddha Juice (cucumber, green apple, mint and lime) was light and refreshing.
- #6 Chai Vanilla Dream (Brazil nut, almond, cashew, date, filtered water, chai spice and vanilla) was light, creamy and tasty.
- #1 Sunrise Elixir (lemon, cucumber, aloe and filtered water) was light, refreshing and tangy. Certainly woke me up!
- Which was your favorite juice and why? #4 Good Karma and #6 Chai Vanilla Dream were my favourites. Good Karma was nice and sweet and Chai Vanilla Dream was tasty but not too heavy.
- Would you do the detox again? May be once in a while.
- Did you lose any weight after the detox? Yes.
Once junior burger is out and about, I might need a Pure Glow Cleanse but not sure how I’d go without eating for three days! Mum did sneakily have fruit during her detox and from her feedback, I think it’s best to do a detox on a weekend when there’s not much physical activity required as she did lack energy during the detox.
This 3-day juice detox is $195 and includes free-pick up from Pure Glow Cleanse’s new North Perth office, or $10 delivery within their delivery area. Juices are delivered between 6am-8am (mine got delivered at 6:15am which is crazy early for me) as someone needs to be there to collect the juices and refrigerate them immediately so they maintain their best freshness. To find out more visit pureglowcleanse.com.au
18 bottles of cold-pressed drinks were provided to foodie cravings to sample or in this case, my mom. Please see my disclosure policy for more details.