Domain Now Owned By Gun Parts Store, Will Be Used To Promote Gun Rights

Posted on the 11 January 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos

By Susan Duclos
Dianne Feinstein, Democratic Senator in California, the queen of gun grabbers, forgot or simply didn't bother to register the domain name "", so the firearm parts and accessories store Ares Armor, bought the domain and will be using the site to promote gun rights and the second Amendment, rather than Feinstein's preference for gun control.
Via The Daily Caller:

“COMING SOON! Senator Feinstein’s Biggest Fan Page,” reads the title of the new pro-gun site, “Someone didnt [sic] register their own name… This should be fun. Thats right Dianne your biggest fan site is going to be run by…”
The domain name was created by California resident Dimitrios Karras on January 4, 2013, according to Karros is the CEO of the gun parts and accessories store Ares Armor, which will now run the site.
“It’s funny,” Karras told the Daily Caller News Foundation, adding that his company was not very good at political correctness. “This is going to be an entertaining thing.”
Karras said that he was frustrated when he saw how Feinstein and other members of Congress managed the commenters that criticize them on their Facebook pages, and that he wanted to have platform where people could say whatever they wanted.
“[Feinstein’s] got a big mouth on her, she thinks she’s pretty much the queen of the state. She almost thinks she’s the queen of the country,” he said.
“What we’re most likely going to do with this is, literally leave it open-ended,” Karras told TheDC News Foundation. “We’re going to put up a few posts and everything like that, but we’re not going to be moderating any of the comments. So it’s one of those things where people are going to be able say whatever the heck they want.”
“My thing is I may not agree with what people have to say, but I’m going to defend to the death their right to say it,” he said.

The site administration has been going through the comments, so the first entry shown on top, as of this moment is from a comment from Teri M. left on January 11, 2013.

To all of you, including the senator, who wish to take the second amendment rights away from US citizens; i ask you to consider my short story.
After being the victim of domestic violence for more than a year, I took my 2 year old daughter and left the state and my abusive ex behind. about 5 months later he shows up at my house (luckily when my child and I were out), and killed our dog and wrecked the house. I moved again. Last month I got a call from the local police asking about my ex, and they said they believe that he is in the area again. I have a restraining order against him, but I know that the police can not be everywhere. I carry a handgun for protection, and will do so even if it is made illegal. Please do not take away my right to protect my child and myself!
This entry was posted in Uncategorized on January 11, 2013.

No doubt Feinstein will not appreciate the irony nor the humor here, but I would bet Second Amendment supporters are getting a good laugh right about now.