Semipermanent & Fashion

By Shugavery @ThinkIncognito
Incognito goes by this motto : "The cultural blog that doesn't lack style" which means that fashion is a great part of it but not only. Culture is what, in my opinion, shapes this blog. Culture is not be found unless you look for it, dig for it, that is why curiosity is an other characteristic of Incognito. Culture and curiosity are definitely what led me to discover Semipermanent, a TV program that makes you discover South Korea throughout the eyes of a couple of expats, Erik Moynihan and Tiffany Needham. And today I'll let them bring you behind the scenes of korean fashion BUT seen through the eyes of expats.
Before hitting on play let me tell you that you will need time (24 minutes exactly) to watch this video as it is a full episode, but I can guarantee you that after watching it your brain will feel completely "fed" with new knowledge. 

Episode 6: "All Dressed Up" from Semipermanent on Vimeo.
If you want to see more episodes of Semipermanent go to their Facebook page where they upload all their episodes.
I am curious to know your thoughts about this program so just live a comment below to tell me if you enjoyed it, what do you think about korean fashion etc..